Garrett laughed, kissed her neck, and said, “That was a rhetorical question, right?”

She giggled. “Maybe.”

Seth asked, “Would you still like to begin in the tub?”


“Great. I’ll go get it ready for us.” Seth kissed her once more and exited the room.

Jessica leaned back against Garrett’s body. He wound his arms around her torso, buried his face at the back of her neck and did his best to resist the urge to dry hump her ass cheek with his stiff and pulsing cock.

“Are all the men in Enclave, Montana as amazing looking as the two of you?” she asked all of a sudden.

“No,” Garrett said quickly. “We’re the only two. You’re lucky you found us together.” He nuzzled her neck, then bit down on her earlobe, and she moaned. Her audible response sent a charge of lust to his groin. His cock reared forward against her.

That earlobe nibbling move was what had made her come the first time when he’d had her pinned to the door. He tucked that away for later. She pressed against him, trapping his shaft between them in a most delicious way.

“I am lucky.” She laughed. The lyrical quality of her amusement made him drunk with desire. He didn’t even need any booze.

“Have you ever been with two men at the same time before?” Garrett asked her.

“Hell no. I haven’t even been with one man in literally years.”

“Weren’t you engaged?”

She pushed out an exaggerated sigh. “My ex told me he wanted to wait for a wedding night. One he never actually intended to go through with because at the same time he was secretly fucking my boss’s daughter until he got her pregnant.

“Let me tell you, given the past year I’ve suffered through, it’s about damn time I got some satisfaction. Trust me, it’s long overdue.”

Garrett twisted her in his arms until she faced him. He stared deeply into her desire-filled gaze. “Just so you’re prepared, my ultimate plan is to gratify you to a level that might ruin you for any other men. Are you okay with that?” He grinned, wanting so much to make her feel special after the shitty treatment of her ex. She deserved it.

“Absolutely. Just so you know, I’ll always treasure the moment we had against the inside door of this room. Anything and everything else we do from now on tonight is just gravy.”

Garrett laughed inwardly. There was about to be a lot of gravy in their future.

Chapter Three

Jessica was sobering up. The best part about that was she was about to have sex with two men. Not because the vodka was talking her into something too naughty, but because these two men wanted to teach her deliciously decadent things. She couldn’t wait to learn.

Seth was in the bathroom, drawing them a bath in the over-size tub as Garrett helped her undress.

He’d helped her over to the foot of the huge bed. Another thrill ran down her spine at the thought of what was about to happen. She was about to get her erotic-minded honeymoon after all.

Garrett had helped her remove her road-traveled clothing, before he stripped to his boxers, including an interesting visual of his pulling those large boots off of his big feet.

When his boxers had slid down his legs, and she’d seen his cock, she sighed in anticipation. He grinned at her assessment.

“I knew you had a big cock the moment I saw you.”

“Oh, yeah. How’s that?”

“Big boots, big cock,” she said matter-of-factly.

“You know, that may not always be true. What is it that they say? Oh yeah, your mileage may vary?”

“I’m glad my mileage was accurate this time.”

“How’s your ankle?”

“My ankle is very embarrassed, like the rest of me.”

“Don’t be embarrassed.” He approached her. Her gaze stayed on the bouncing stiff cock headed her direction. “Want me to help you walk into the bathroom or carry you there?”

She smiled mischievously. “Carry me. I kind of like it.”

“As you wish.”

As he bent halfway to slide his arms beneath her, she reached out and caressed his shaft. He sucked in a breath and straightened up again. She promptly bent to suck his massive cock into her mouth.