Garrett laughed. “And the truth is, you’re the only one we would do it for.”


Both of them nodded. “We’re ready to pack up and go with you. Just say the word.”

“I already turned him down.”

They both said at the same time, “You did?”

“Yes. I’m happy with my job here. It’s less money, but it’s also a hundred times less stressful. Plus, I like working with Gray and Isabelle and being your girlfriend. I don’t want it to change. Trust me, I’ve had enough change in the last six months to last me a lifetime.”

“Why did you move out?”

Jessica closed her eyes. “Because I thought you were going to propose. Then when you didn’t, I decided you didn’t want a permanent woman in your life after all. I kept expecting to see that ring box, but it never came.”

“You knew we’d gotten a ring?” Seth asked.

She shrugged. “I accidentally saw it in your desk. And Mr. Mueller kept looking at my ring finger every time I saw him.”

Seth rolled his eyes, but then just as soon, shook his head. “I’m so sorry. We changed our plans and didn’t think through the new one.”

“The last time we were together, I woke up in the middle of the night and looked for the ring box, but it was gone. I figured you’d changed your mind. So I left to clear my head and figure out how I’d live here, see you every day, and not leap on you and demand that you fulfill my unsettled lust each time we crossed paths.”

Seth pulled the ring box from his pocket. “We intended to ask you to marry us the night before we left, but didn’t because we didn’t want to pop the question and then promptly leave town. In retrospect, that was stupid, although at the time it made perfect sense.”

Garrett pushed out a long sigh. He shook his head. “We had it all planned out. You would take the job in Chicago. We’d leave for a week. We’d come back and propose. Then we’d help you move and follow you there.”

“I wished I’d known the plan,” she said. “I would have changed a step or two of it.”

“Again, we were stupid. I’m so sorry, Jessica.”

She looked at each of them, then eyed the ring box covetously. “I forgive you.”

They stared at her, smiling.

She asked, “What happens now?”

Garrett moved closer. “We should probably beg you forgiveness at least a couple more times.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

Seth said, “Then we fall to our knees and ask you to marry us.” As if they’d planned it in advance, they both went down on one knee.

“We love you. Will you marry us, Jessica?”

After what they’d been through with their last fiancée, she of all people understood how difficult it must be for them to trust anyone ever again. All she’d truly expected was a long-term relationship where one day in the distant future—like ten years—they might agree to be engaged. This was better.

She took the box from his fingers and opened it. The ring had three diamonds. The center round diamond was enormous. Probably two carats at least. The two smaller ones on either side of the center stone were rectangular. The ring was stunning. Perfect. Just like they were.

She’d be a fool not to accept.

Jessica fell to her knees before them, and said, “Yes. I will marry you.”

They each took turns kissing her like they never wanted to let her go ever again. They helped her stand up. She leaned against the foot of her bed, staring at the ring in the box. He took it from her, pulled the ring out and slid it on her finger.

“When can we get married?” Seth asked.


“You heard me?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know.” Jessica admired the ring on her finger, moving her hand back and forth, making the diamond sparkles dance. “I figured you’d want to have a very long engagement. Like a decade or something before heading for the altar. I’m okay with that.”

“No,” Garrett said rather insistently. “I want to elope.”

“What? When?”

He looked at his watch. “How about tomorrow?”