He’d seen that expression on her face before. Right before she kissed him. The memory of the kiss they’d shared before Seth arrived, along with her subsequent climax, zoomed to the forefront of Garrett’s mind.

Seth kept his focus on Jessica, lowered his head until a scant inch from her mouth. She lifted to meet his lips, immediately engaging as if unable to stop himself. Seth kissed her like he didn’t plan to stop. She responded in kind. The mere memory of her kiss made Garrett’s cock thicken. Watching Seth kiss her made him fairly vibrate with the need to fuck.

They most assuredly didn’t need to go to the afterhours party tonight. He’d found the exact woman he wanted. He’d already be willing to bet that one night with her wasn’t going to quench his already sizable ache for her.

When the angel on his shoulder attempted to put forth the tuck her in bed alone and leave her idea again, the devil on the opposite side promptly punched the angel out cold with a single blow, crossing his arms and nodding in satisfied victory.

If she were willing, and it seemed like she was, Garrett would ensure she was satisfied all the rest of the night, repeatedly.

His new plan included sobering her up to ensure she was truly okay with having two men in her bed this evening. After that he’d take great pleasure in watching Seth make her climax. Then they could take turns making her scream in delight. Lust spiked wildly through his system at the mere thought of listening to her climax again.

He didn’t imagine she’d be prepared for any double penetration sex tonight as they’d thought to seek out at the Old West Town afterhours party, but perhaps they could strike an agreement and teach her all she needed to know for a future time together very soon.

Next though, he wanted to use his considerable persuasive skills to discover what she sounded like when she climaxed while his cock was buried all the way inside her pussy. His legs shuddered in anticipation. All three of them.

Garrett was prepared to turn into whatever fantasy character she wanted, whether rogue, outlaw, or desperado. Any version he portrayed would obviously be wicked. That was in his nature.

He couldn’t believe their good luck at finding a woman they didn’t know willing to spend the evening with them both. He wondered briefly if their lack of attendance at the afterhours party at Old West Town would even be missed and decided quickly that he didn’t care.

The musky scent of her arousal swirled around his head along with a light floral note and a hint of alcohol. She’d been drinking. He’d tasted it on her lips earlier. Vodka, perhaps? But she wasn’t falling down drunk. Or was she? There were the two tumbles onto her hands and knees in front of each of them that might dispute it.

Garrett walked over and pressed into her back as Seth remained at her front. His friend broke their passionate kiss. Garrett asked, “What would you say if Seth and I wanted to share you tonight?”

“I’d say that sounds very interesting. Tell me more.”

“I can already smell your pussy since I’m the one who just brought you to a shrieking climax against the door. My question is whether or not you want more.”

“Yes. More would be great. What spe…cif…ically did you have in mind?” He smiled when she stumbled over the long word.

Seth’s eyes widened, but he remained quiet. Garrett continued, “What would you say to the idea of stripping down and getting into the huge tub in the bathroom with the two of us?”

“I’d be willing to soak in a tub. What else would happen?”

“Whatever you want.”

“Oh. That’s easy. I want sex. You made me come without removing a stitch of clothing. I can’t wait to find out what you can do once we’re all naked.”

With his heartbeat hammering a rhythm in his head from the instant lust he’d felt upon hearing her come for the first time, Garrett had heard all of the words she’d just said. However, his attention span was in and out.

“Sounds like a plan.”

Seth cocked his head to one side as if he wasn’t quite ready to trip the light fantastic.

“So what do you say, Seth?” she asked with a grin.

His friend cleared his throat and stepped back from her. “I’m not opposed to getting into the tub, but if you don’t mind, I’d like to talk to Garrett alone for a moment, first. I promise, it’ll only take a minute.”