"W-what are the three of you doing back so soon? I thought you would be out celebrating your big win." My voice cracks, betraying my attempt to act normal around the three of them.
"We, ah, wanted to get home," Talen manages to say. His eyes are filled with desire as he gazes at me. Or maybe it's just a trick of the moonlight making me believe I've set off this hunger in him.
"You're naked!" Tarek shouts into the night.
"Shh, you don't have to broadcast my lack of clothing to the whole neighborhood," I hiss at Tarek. "Besides, I didn't think you guys would be home so early."
"Is someone out here with you?" Torin says as the three of them rush the hot tub, looking for any sign I'm not alone.
"What are you doing? Of course, I'm alone." I splash water at Tarek first, then Talen, soaking their clothes.
I'm seconds away from unleashing a spray of hot tub water on Torin when he steps behind me and grasps my wrists in his big, firm hand, holding my arms above my head so I can't cause any more damage.
"Let me go!" I struggle against his firm hold, only making him grip my wrists tighter.
"You're being a brat. Don't make me take you over my knee," Torin whispers against my ear, only loud enough for me to hear.
"What are you doing?" I watch in wide-eyed fascination as Tarek begins stripping off his clothes.
"You broke our number one rule, so now it's fair game." He shrugs, toeing off his shoes and socks while unbuckling his belt.
"That's not a bad idea." Torin gently releases my wrists.
"What are you talking about?"
"It was a long, hard game. Our muscles are tight and sore. A soak in a hot tub is the perfect solution to help us relax," Tarek says, his shirt flying over his head in his haste to get naked. "Unless you have a better idea?" He has the nerve to wink at me while he shoves his pants and underwear down his thick, muscular thighs. His long, hard, thick cock bounces against his firm abs as he hops into the hot tub.
"B-but you're naked," I state the obvious. My traitorous eyes land on his jutting cock.
Ignoring my protest, he sinks into the water beside me. "Ah, that feels amazing." He closes his eyes and leans his head against the headrest.
So entranced by the look on Tarek's face, I’m oblivious to Talen and Torin stripping out of their clothes and joining us in the water until I come face to face with their naked cocks as they slide into the hot tub next to me. Torin takes the spot across from me, and Talen takes the open spot next to me.
"So naked hot tubbing, that's our thing now?" The humor in Tarek's tone lightens my mood, and I laugh at the absurdity of the situation. "You think that's funny, do you?" He places his hands under my arms and begins to tickle me, causing me to laugh harder and forget we are all naked.
Torin and Talen join in. There are hands all over me, tickling my most sensitive spots. I don't stop laughing until I feel the distinct pressure of three hard cocks pressing against me. I hold my breath and look into each of their eyes. The only sound is the sound of our combined breathing, which sounds like we've run a thousand miles, and the soft chirping of crickets in the distance.
How easy it would be to reach out and touch each one of them, begging them to take me at the same time.
I'm seconds away from doing just that when reality comes crashing down on me. "I've got to go inside." I jump out of the hot tub, not caring that they can see every naked inch of my body.
The good girl part of me should be horrified, but it's the bad girl part of me that wins the fight as I give a little extra wiggle in my hips as I retreat to the safety of my bedroom. A smile curves my lips as I close the patio door to the sounds of frustrated male groans.
Could I be wrong about how they feel about me?
I rush up the stairs, pausing at Tarek's door and contemplating retrieving one of my vibrators he has stashed in there. I'm going to need something to take the edge off my throbbing clit.
Itake one last look at myself in the mirror. The long, floral, pink sundress is perfect for a lunch date. The hem might be a tad bit short, and the neckline may be a little too low, but at this point, a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do to secure a relationship. Besides, a blind date is not exactly what I had planned, but beggars can't be choosers.
When I first moved to Tempest Falls, Minnesota, my plan was to start dating again and find a man to help me get over my crushes. I've given them plenty of opportunities to show me how they feel about me, and other than that night in the hot tub, they've been perfect gentlemen. Even at the photo shoot, when my breasts were bared to them, they didn't give any sign that they wanted me for anything other than a roommate.
What a blow to the ego that was. Having my bare chest showing to the three of them and they politely kept their eyes focused above my neck. It's more than time to throw in the towel and find someone who will appreciate me and not treat me like a kid sister.
Even that night, when we were in the hot tub naked, they treated me like one of the guys. Not even acting on the desire I felt throbbing from between their legs against my bare skin when they were tickling me.