"No, Teagan, not you. You're the only Hayes that is worth a shit tonight."

Her smirk turns into a smug smile earning her an eye roll from my brothers and kisses from Fin, Royal, and Coulter.

“I never thought I would have to say this but please refrain from kissing your teammates during a game.”

Teagan finishes kissing each one of her boyfriends before turning to the coach, giving him a Hey, what can I do? They kissed me first, look.

If only my brothers and I could have what Teagan has with Fin, Royal, and Coulter our lives would be so much better.

We skate to the locker room and I pull Teagan away from the rest of the team, "Did Britt say why she wasn't coming to the game tonight?"

As our new social media manager she should be here taking pictures of the players and posting them online. Not that I give a shit about posting on social media, the fact is I need Britt here, watching us play.

Teagan shakes her head. "No. Sorry Talen, " she hesitates, glancing down at the number on my jersey as if verifying she is talking to the right brother.

I roll my eyes and shake my head. How is it that our own family can't tell us a part, but Britt can tell us a part with no hints? If I'm being honest with myself, I think that's what I like best about her. Her ability to tell the difference between the three of us.

"She didn't tell me why she wasn't going to be at the game tonight." Teagan gives me a sad smile and skates off to the locker room leaving me by myself in the tunnel. My thoughts on Britt as always.

Something has got to give. I can't keep picking fights with the other team just to let off a little stress our little roommate is causing all of us when I'd rather be taking my stress out on her sweet little ass.

I groan at the thought of taking her from behind as Tarek takes her pussy and Torin takes her mouth.

"Are you okay?"

I turn to the sound of uncle Colt's voice. The other two owners, Jensen and Beck standing beside him. Great just what I need the owners breathing down my neck over my subpar performance. Even if one is my uncle, it's still irritating.

"I'm fine. I'm just finding my rhythm with my new team." I lie.

The three owners stare me up and down as if they know I'm lying and they are waiting to see if I'll crack.

"I better go to the locker room and see what Coach has to say."

Not waiting for their reply, I skate to the locker room hoping to gather myself enough to finish the game. If not it's going to be one long season.



The crowd's cheering does nothing to improve my mood. Britt didn't show up for our game tonight. I wonder what she would say if she knew she's the reason I still play hockey.

As much as I love my family, I was feeling burnt out playing hockey every weekend as a teenager. The only reason I continued doing it was because of Britt. Having her at all my games and with my family every weekend was the driving force that kept my love for hockey alive. Not having her at my games the last two years has been hell.

The only thing I regret from that night is losing Britt's presence at our games and in our lives.

"Tarek! Get your head in the game!" Coach Davis yells as I pass him to take a seat on the bench next to Torin and Talen since Coach has pulled all three of us.

I tried to figure out my shit during the first-period break, but I couldn't. Something has to give because I can't continue like this.

Torin and Talen are playing just as shitty as I am, missing pass after pass. Luckily, Teagan's playing a great game and living up to the Hayes' name.

"What the fuck are we going to do?" Talen asks. "I can't stop thinking about Britt. It was bad enough when she stayed away from us for the last two years after having a taste of her. But having her around day and night, I'm going fucking crazy."

Talen looks as dazed as I feel. I'm surprised any of us can function.

"When can we finally claim her?"

"Soon, Tarek. She needs a couple more weeks to get comfortable with her new job, then we'll make her ours."