Both Tiffany and the head hockey coach blow their whistles, signaling the end of the practices. While the hockey players and the ice girls leave the ice to hit the showers, I flip through the images on my phone, stopping on each picture of Torin, Talen, and Tarek to run my finger over the photos.

Most people can't tell them apart, which I really don't understand. They might be identical triplets, but they each have their own personalities and gestures that separate them.

Realizing how pathetic I must look drooling all over my phone, I shift to the photos of the ice girls, finding an action shot of Gemma. She's mid-cheer with a huge smile on her face. I send the picture to Colt for approval before posting it to our social media. As team employees, the ice girls and players have already signed release forms to have their pictures used for advertising.

Britt: What do you think of this picture?

Colt: She’s perfect…post it.

Colt's fast response surprises me but also pleased that I can start my social media campaign immediately. If only everything in my life was this easy.



The last of the hockey players leave the arena, all except Teagan, Fin, Royal, and Coulter. I roll my eyes, imagining what could be taking the four of them so long, already knowing the answer. One of the ice girls rushes by, and I realize it's Gemma. From what I’ve seen, she seems nice—unlike Tiffany.

Since I’ll be waiting for who knows how long for Teagan to finish whatever they’re doing in the locker room, now’s my chance to talk to Gemma about being featured in our campaign. I might as well get some work done while I’m waiting on my friend. I never should have agreed to go to the new sports bar, Valhalla, with her tonight. She obviously has her hands full, literally and figuratively.

“Hey, Gemma, isn’t it?” I call to the petite blonde gripping her duffle bag close to her body.

She comes to an abrupt halt, jerking her head in my direction. Her eyes are round with surprise. A hint of caution lurks in their depths. “Yeah, I mean, yes, I’m Gemma.” She squeezes the duffle bag closer to her body.

I take a cautious step toward her, not wanting to make any sudden movements. I’m not sure what’s gotten her so spooked, but I don’t want to cause her any more stress. “I’m Britt. I’m in charge of social media for the Minnesota Norse. Mr. Hayes wants me to interview a few of the Valkyrie for publicity. I was wondering if you would be interested.”

“I-I don’t know.”

“How about this? Teagan and I are going out for drinks at the new sports bar. Why don’t you join us?” I can tell by the hopeful look in her eyes that she wants to say yes, but something is holding her back, so I add, “It’s on Teagan. She just signed a multimillion-dollar deal with an athletic wear company.” I try to make my smile as welcoming as I can.

Gemma scans the arena as if looking for someone before finally saying, “As long as you’re sure Teagan will be okay with me tagging along.”

“Of course, I’m fine with you tagging along.”

Gemma and I both jump at the sound of Teagan’s voice.

“Where in the hell did you come from?” I say, my pulse racing from the shock of her appearing out of nowhere like a ninja. She’s always been the stealthy one, but this was a little unnerving how close she got before either one of us noticed her.

Gemma looks worse than I feel, with her blue eyes blinking back the shock of coming face to face with a stealthy Teagan.

“What? You know I have to be sneaky, especially living with my three brothers for all those years. Pretty soon, you’ll be just as sneaky now that you live with them.” Teagan nods in my direction.

Her words cause me to think about creeping into her brothers' rooms while they're sleeping and waking each one up with my mouth on their cocks. The thought causes my panties to dampen.

“You still scared us to death.” I shift my eyes to Gemma, who's silently watching our conversation.

Teagan’s eyes follow mine to Gemma. “Sorry.” She apologizes, holding out her hand to introduce herself. “I’m Teagan. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Gemma takes the offered hand, shaking it up and down before releasing it. “I’m Gemma. Nice to meet you.”

“Sorry, I’m late.” Teagan gives me a sheepish grin. “We, ah, kind of lost track of time in the shower.” A rare blush creeps up Teagan's chest and into her cheeks as her eyes shift to her three boyfriends across the ice waving goodbye to her.

I raise an eyebrow at her.

“What? You know how much I love locker room showers.” A huge smile breaks across her face as she waves to Fin, Royal, and Coulter.

“So, it’s true. You’re dating all three of them,” Gemma says. The sound of awe in her voice isn’t lost on Teagan.

“Yup. Why don’t I tell you all about it at the bar.” Teagan links one arm through Gemma’s and one through mine as we stroll to the parking lot.