Was it a dream?
Hearing him whistle, I sit up with a smile. Excited, he is still here, unlike in the past. Holding the blanket tight against my naked body, I look around. Relieved seeing the empty condom wrapper peeking out from under his mask on the nightstand.
“Do I hear someone stirring?” he says in a singsong voice.
I scream in shock as Bobby walks through the door carrying a mug in his hand. His goofy smile fades as he screams in horror.
“What the fuck?” I shout before covering my head, realizing he’s only wearing boxers.
Hearing him continue to scream bloody murder, I peek out from under the covers. His hands shake as he jumps around, dodging hot coffee as it splashes wildly from the mug before it hits the ground.
“What the hell are you doing here, Bobby?” I cover my face again.
“You invited me,” he says in a high-pitched tone while holding his chest.
“What?” I uncover my head.
“What?” He looks at me.
“What do you mean, I invited you?” I snap, tucking the blanket under my arms.
“We were dancing, then we did a body shot. Little note, you really need to change your choice of liquor to something more palatable.” He shudders.
“Oh my God.” I smack my forehead as my stomach churns.
“Were you that drunk that you don’t remember? I mean, I knew you were tipsy, but…”
“I remember everything,” I snap as heat from embarrassment rolls across me.
“You thought I was mister Walker.” He gulps, then looks down.
“It was the damn masks,” I say, falling back and hiding under the blanket.
How could I be so stupid?
I was with Nigel for four years; how could I not realize it wasn’t him? I’m blaming the tequila for that.
“Guess it’s safe to say this wouldn’t have happened otherwise.” He lets out an exasperated sigh. “I should probably get going.”
Without another word, he leaves. Suddenly I’m hit with the worst pain in my chest and overcome by sadness.
Taking a deep breath before the elevator doors open, I hold my head high. Preparing for the stares and whispers.
Might as well own it.
My stomach flips and flops as the doors open. I’m met by an anxious Dorin; clip board in one hand and coffee in the other.
“Bill Shaffer is in your office.” Dorin sharply exhales. “Coffee?”
“Seriously? He’s two hours early.” Stepping out of the elevator, I take the coffee and look around.
“His soon to be ex-wife is threatening to sell her shares of his company for pennies.” She nods.
“Really?” I stop walking.
“One more thing.” She loops her arm through mine and takes a deep breath. “Nigel is on his way down.”