Page 82 of XOXO

Ah, speak of the devil…

Miles strides into the kitchen behind me, a giant sack of flour thrown over his shoulder. I flash him a wink. We’ve been together a full year, but something about the sight of that man carrying heavy things still does it for me…

“Is there some reason for that expression, Miss Comeau?” he asks, tucking the bag beneath the countertop.“Nope,” I lie, returning to my kneading. “No reason at all.”He chuckles, standing behind me. “I think I know you a little too well to believe that.”I stick my tongue out at him, but don’t deny it.He does know me well… too well. As it turns out, I didn’t win Menty B — but the outcome was more than fair. I came in second place, with Danielle crowned as the winner. Despite my protests, Miles didn’t end up returning for the rest of the season. I hate to admit it, but that made everything a little easier to handle, especially because we officially (and quietly) began dating soon after.Even aside from the fact that I have limited experience to compare with, he’s not only a perfect boyfriend, but a perfect business partner. When I tell him to do things, he does them — and when he tells me to do things, I do them. There’s a level of partnership I’ve never had, and this shop is equally important to us both. It’s embarrassing to admit, but he’s everything I’ve ever wanted. Who could’ve guessed he was beneath my nose the entire time?I’m not saying he’s perfect, of course. With our tempers combined, our fights can be explosive. We’re two very passionate people who tend to lack filters, but the commonality we share is that we always, always want to get better for each other.I smirk at his butt as he marches to the back of the shop, where he keeps everything in tip-top working condition. I didn’t know it, but the Wheel of Fortune, all those months ago, was right. I needed to accept fate, to embrace inevitable change, to handle what might’ve held me back about my past.I just couldn’t have guessed, not in a million years, that the person I needed to accept was Miles fucking Compton.I giggle to myself, reaching for a baking sheet. I slide the dough onto it, preparing it to chill overnight. I did my cards again this morning. By now, it’s a Valentine’s Day tradition — and just like last year, I have a strong feeling they’re not wrong. This morning, I drew Two of Cups. If I were superstitious, which I definitely am, I’d say this might indicate upcoming nuptials.

To be fair, I’m basing that prediction on way more than the Two of Cups. Miles also demanded we close up shop in — I check my watch — exactly fifteen minutes, with explicit instructions that I’m supposed to “dress up” and meet him at the waterfront.

Yeah. I grin at my reflection in the stainless steel hood. It’s in the cards.

About the Author

Calla Claire is Cherokee romance novelist with a flair for the dark side. She's a native of the D.C. area, which perhaps explains her twisted mind. Calla has two small boys, so free time is a distant memory. However, she’d love to hang out on social media if you’re also a fan of junk food and 90s nostalgia. Her works under this penname are all published on Amazon, and she truly hopes to see you around!

Check her out at:

Whirlwind of Whispers

Krys Strong


I hate Valentine’s Day; there I said it.

This year might be the worst one yet. There’s nothing like finding out your boyfriend is in another relationship from a paparazzi website. Ten out of ten wouldn’t recommend it.

Did I mention he’s also my boss?

Now I’ll have the pleasure of attending the company’s annual charity event with said ex and his new girlfriend… which happens to be his ex. And I get to do that while wearing a stupid masquerade mask.

If you ask me, Bobby, head of the party planning committee, the comic book collector, and an all-around ray of sunshine, was behind it. I’m sure he and his goofy smile thought it’d be fun to give the event a Valentine’s theme.

The only thing that will make the most annoying company party in the history of company parties more tolerable is the open bar. Which I plan to use to the fullest extent.

Note from Author

Trigger and Content Warnings:





Sexually Explicit


Office Romance

Grumpy & Sunshine

Valentine’s Day

Second Chance
