Page 31 of XOXO

Was it that obvious that I liked him?

Chapter 9



Tango’s sneaky ass told me I had to show up at the Rusty Spoke tonight to go over the ride and some odds and ends. I argued we had time to go over it when I was standing in his office, but he said Bear, Mac, and a few others needed to be there, too.

I had been trying to avoid the Spoke, so I didn’t make Adi feel some kind of way. I was even more suspicious when I walked in from the cold and saw Bash at the table with the boys.

Nothing against her. She’s the best thing that happened to Tango. But we never had her around for club business.

As if sensing the apprehension about having her there, Tango looked me square in the eye and asked, “Is there a problem?”

I pulled my jacket off and sat. “Nope. You’re the boss.”

“You damn right, I am.” He took a swig from his beer then put his arm around Bash. “The lady is heading up the next fundraiser, so I wanted her to announce it.” He kissed her temple. “Go ahead, babe.”

Bash’s cheeks were as red as her hair, but she pushed her glasses up her nose and blew out a breath. “Well, it’s a little short notice, but we’re going to be hosting a Valentine’s Bike Bash,” she says with a chuckle, “here at the Rusty Spoke!”

Some ladies in the tables around us clap and chatter, but the men all grumble. Just as I run my hand down my face, someone bumps into my shoulder. My head and half of my body whip around ready to snap, but I freeze when the smell of vanilla hits my nose before I see her.

“Sorry,” Adi said. “It’s been a long day.” She passed beers around, placing one in front of me.

“I don’t know how you do it. But the offices are already coming along great.”

She grinned, her head tipping down before she put her chin out proudly. “Well, I appreciate the opportunity. It’s not one that comes easy for women in my line of work.”

A bang on the table made me jump and Tango’s booming voice says, “You can flirt later. We need to get this shit done because it’s only a couple of weeks away.”

I turned back to apologize to Adi, but she had already moved on to the next table. “Fuck you, Tango. I was just praising her work. We’ll pull it together. But are we planning a ride for February?”

Bash jumped in. “More like a party for riders. We can’t predict the weather and since the winter is the wet season in Georgia, probably best not to plan to have hundreds of bikes on the road if ice is a possibility.”

For over an hour, we plan out how to circulate the event, the fees, how we can get swag fast enough for those who show up, and Bash insists on some cutie patootie game shit.

After we all had our assigned tasks to get done in the next couple of days, everyone started leaving. I had half a beer left and was trying to nurse it since I had to drive. Mac stayed behind with me to finish his as well.

“You guys need anything?” Adi asked as she hustled over from another table.

Mac leaned on his elbows and smiled up at her. “I’m good, Adi. But hey listen, do you have plans on Valentine’s Day?”

Is this fucker crazy? I turned and couldn’t stop the glare I shot him, even if I wanted to. My fists balled and my nostrils flared as pretty-boy grinned up at her with his million-dollar dimples. He was the one who helped me find out everything about her and dig into the company she worked for.

Although, I didn’t claim her as mine. In fact, I made it a point to let the guys know I promised Pipes and didn’t want her to be uncomfortable since she was working for us. But that shit applies to them, too. I guess I’d have to clarify that for him once she was away from the table.

She squirmed, glancing at me briefly before answering, “Work at the day job and then work here.”

Good. She’s busy, asshat.

“Well, that’s cool. Bash planned a fundraising event here that night. Guess we’ll see you, then.”

Adi gave a customer-service smile then turned to head to the bar, her curly ponytail bouncing to the rhythm of her ass as she did.

I reached across the table and grabbed Mac’s collar. “Do you have a death wish, asshole?”

Mac didn’t flinch. Instead, he glanced at my hand then brushed it away as if it were peanut shells on the table. “Calm your tits, Stone. I was just seeing if she had a date. Ya know, since you’re too pussy to ask.” He kept watching me as he sipped his beer.