Page 150 of XOXO

"Everyone else." He sighed again, finishing her sentence easily, nodding. "I know. I tried to talk my way out of it with the Ministers and it had them all up in arms."

He ran his palms over his face before peering over at her. "But you'll be there, won't you?"

She nodded with a smile, her knees not feeling any less steady as he stood, making his way closer. He stopped so close her nose nearly bumped his abs, as she craned her head back to keep eye contact with him, his eyes darkening with a satisfaction that she could barely understand the source of, when he whispered the word, "Good."

It took every ounce of self-control inside her not to moan and melt into a puddle at his feet. He turned to smile at Vivian–who was watching them curiously–before leaving abruptly.

She let out her pent up breath while Vivian chuckled from her place at the stove. "This brings back memories."

Cassandra turned to look at her, confusion lighting her up inside. "What do you mean?"

"You'll see." Vivian winked, turning back to the huge array of pots with a grin.

Chapter Two

He's so handsome I could cry.

Cassandra tried to push the unwanted thought out of her head as Max exited his bedchamber, adjusting the dark blue robes, tugging them away from his colossal chest. She felt drool gathering in her mouth as she surveyed him from head to toe and was forced to snap to attention when he stopped in front of her.

His dark eyes raked over her, burning with an emotion she couldn't quite place as a small smile crossed his lips. She couldn't ever hope that a king would have the same feelings she did. It was probably just the excitement of the day burning in his blood. “Do you approve?”

She nodded helplessly, noticing his personal butler smiling with pride as he hurried away from them. “You look very handsome.” She couldn’t stop the words spilling from her lips if she tried.

“I’ll be sure to stick to blues, then.” He winked, taking another step closer to her.

She back-tracked quickly, clearing her throat as her back met the balustrade behind her. His hand shot out toward her, gripping her elbow to keep her steady. Electricity fizzled up her arm where he touched her and she watched an answering response in his eyes, his pupils dilating wildly as he stared down at her is eyes locked on her with hunger–like a predator watching its prey.

“I-I’m so clumsy.” She cleared her throat. “Are you ready to go down to dinner?”

He sighed, stepping back slowly from her and giving her the space to breathe in air that wasn’t filled with his blatantly male scent. "Yes. I'm ready." His smile was tighter than usual and she felt a pang of regret and guilt instantly. She was probably reading too much into this than there was. He couldn’t possibly be interested in her. He was so outgoing and gregarious. Something she’d always loved about him. She was sure he acted this way with all females.

Pushing her feelings aside, she plastered a grin on her face that she hoped didn’t look like a grimace as he swept down the stairs. For someone so large, he moved with unexpected grace and silence. Biting her lip as she stared after him, she tried to shake off the lingering ache in her heart while he left. This torch that she’d held for him for all these years was absolutely ridiculous and she admonished herself for it immediately.

Hurrying back to the kitchen, she listened to the booming greetings and congratulations from everyone seated at the table. They loved the royal family and were ecstatic that Maximus would be taking over leadership.

She knew it was a view shared by almost everyone in the country. That was one of the things that made her feel safe. It was easy to feel biased when you worked with the family but the adoration of the countrymen outside the palace truly made Cassandra recognize that they were in good, steady hands.

“To King Maximus!” The booming voice reached the kitchens, and Cassandra laughed as the cheer was echoed, glasses being lifted in celebration.

Cassandra hesitated outside of the king’s study, her entire body stiff as she knocked gently on the door. She was used to ending the night with King Magnus, asking him if he needed anything and then being shooed out of the room while he snuggled with his queen on the sofa near the fire.

She wasn’t sure what she would do if Maximus was snuggling with anyone. The burn of jealousy in her stomach made panic sweep through her but she tried to reason with herself anyway.

Eventually he’ll need to find a wife. You can’t scratch the queen’s eyes out and then expect to keep your head.

Swallowing hard, her brow furrowed and she knocked gently again. When there was still no response, she tried the door. It turned easily, but she didn’t open it.

“Your highness?”

“I told you not to call me that,” was the gruff response from behind her.

She squeaked in surprise, spinning to see Maximus grinning at her.

“You scare pretty easily.” He rocked back on his heels, peering down at her with those dark eyes that she dreamed of from time to time. “You don’t have to be scared here. I’ll protect you.”

Her face went hot and she knew she would be blushing for all she was worth every time she saw him. Clearing her throat, she took a step backward, landing her against the heavy wooden door to his study. “I just wanted to know if there was anything that you needed?”

She felt her knees quiver and her stomach clench with lust as his eyes flashed with heat, his strong jaw tightening.