Adelyn huffed and crumpled to the bed, burying her face in her hands as she struggled with deep emotion. She and Leo were passionate souls, and although they rarely fought, when they did cross that threshold, the arguments were intense.
She vehemently loved her strong, grumpy protector and would do anything to keep him out of harm’s way. Even during the angry moments when she, quite literally, wanted to strangle him.
“Can I wear the new jammies Aunt Callie gave me, Mommy?” Briala asked, drawing Adelyn back into the present moment.
“Sure, baby,” Adelyn said, taking the soft pajamas in her hand and leading her daughter to her bedroom. “Kellan? Are you brushing your teeth?” she called as she passed the bathroom.
“Yes, ma’am.”
Smiling, Adelyn helped Briala into the pajamas before sending her off to brush as well. Once the kids were set, Adelyn crawled on Briala’s bed to read to them. Leo had dropped Kellan off before heading back out to set the roof on a house he was finishing with Brecken. They wanted to set it after dark so it dried faster than it would under the blazing sunlight they experienced in their region of Etherya’s Earth.
Adelyn eventually noticed the kids’ eyes drooping and tucked Briala in before carrying Kellan to his room. After placing him under the covers, she sat on the edge of the bed and stroked his forehead.
“Good night, sweet boy.”
Kellen slowly blinked as he studied her. “Are you and Daddy still fighting?”
Emotion clogged her throat as she stroked his soft cheek. “Did you hear us arguing the other night?”
Brown hair shifted across the pillow as he nodded.
“I love your Daddy more than anything in the world,” she said, leaning down to kiss his forehead. “Along with you and your sister. Sometimes, mommies and daddies fight because they believe in different things.”
“Then you need to try and believe in the same things.”
Laughing at the simplicity of his statement, she nodded. “We do. I don’t want you to worry. Standing up for your beliefs makes you strong. It’s okay to fight as long as you make up after and say you’re sorry.”
“Like when I pulled Briala’s hair yesterday,” he said, frowning. “We fought but then I felt bad.”
“Exactly. You still love your sister, right?”
Contrition crossed his features as he nodded.
“And I still love Daddy.” Rising, she leaned over to place one last kiss on his forehead. “Sleep tight, sweetheart. Love you.”
His whispered “Love you” followed her across the room and out the door as she softly shut it behind her.
Exhausted, she finished cleaning up the kitchen before prepping for bed and sliding between the crisp sheets. She’d wanted to wait up for Leo—to tell him that Kellan was worried and they needed to find a resolution and move on—but she was so damn tired.
Settling into the comfortable mattress, she flipped to her side, curled her legs against her body and drifted into slumber.
Leo entered the house around two a.m., closing the door quietly so he didn’t wake the kids. After securing the locks, he turned off the stove light Adelyn had left on and trailed down the hallway. He checked on Briala and Kellan as he passed each room, a smile curving his lips at Kellan’s soft snores. When he reached the master bedroom, he clicked the door shut and walked toward the bed.
Perching beside his sleeping mate, he couldn’t resist the urge to touch her. He tucked a thick curl behind her ear before gliding a finger across her jaw. Those gorgeous lavender eyes that invaded every dream since he first saw her slowly opened.
“Hey,” she said, yawning as her hands rested between the pillow and her cheek. “Did you finish the roof?”
He nodded, tenderly stroking her face.
Drowsy eyes darted between his. “I’m still mad at you.”
A deep chuckle welled in his chest. “I know.”
Grinning, she playfully bit her lip. “We did say that being bonded wouldn’t be easy.”
“It’s not so bad,” he replied, leaning down to whisper, “except when you’re being unreasonable.”
“Pfft.” Mirth swam in her gaze before concern replaced it. “I can’t lose you, Leo.”