I didn’t see Pine for three days after her best friend came home. At long last, I got to meet Myliah. I’ve seen pictures and heard of how Pine sees her, but she was even better in person. Her voice was light and her features soft and feminine. Where Pine was tall and curvy, Myliah was small and petite. They were complete opposites. I treated them both to dinner and felt as though I was intruding. I smiled at how animated Pine had become while talking to her friend. We always had good conversations, but her eyes were wide and bright with every word she said to her friend. I was so overjoyed when Tin showed up to the restaurant. We drank our beer while watching the ladies still catch up with each other. I was starting to feel like the third wheel. Finding out that Myliah was taking the next semester off for a break was welcomed news. Pine now had someone other than me to go and mingle with and that gave me an opportunity to do something I’d been putting off for a while now.
Later that week, I grabbed Tin and went to the mall. I took back the ring that I had bought for Tricia and purchased a promise ring for Pine. I wanted to live the rest of my days with her and knew she was the one. My heart had never been more content and even though it’s been half a year since we’ve known each other, I didn’t want to let her go. Knowing that I was going to propose to Tricia on Valentine’s Day, I decided that Pine deserved something different. I would give her this ring the week before. There was no way I’d let the memory of Tricia ruin anything I had with Pine.
Chapter 16
Time flew by and by the time I looked up, it was already time for Myliah to go back to England.
I pouted once again as I hugged my friend. “Are you sure you have to go back?”
Myliah chuckled and patted the top of my head. “Yes. I’ve been here for two months already.” I was grateful that I was able to have her for Christmas this past year. She initially wasn’t supposed to be here until the first of the year, so I’m beyond happy. I hadn’t prepared a gift for her so we decided on no gifts this year. Me, Myliah, Jackson, and Tin spent part of the day cooking, drinking, and laughing before Tin had to leave to visit his relatives. Now, it’s already February and she has to go back for the new semester.
“But it seems like yesterday.” I groaned.
“Oh, you’ve got Jackson now, you don’t need me.”
I let her go and gave her a stern look. “I will always need you.”
“Okay, okay. Calm down.” She chuckled. “Valentine’s Day is next week, are you ready.”
“Yep! I got his present already wrapped and he booked a fancy restaurant.”
“I’m happy for you, Pine. You deserve this.”
I looked down to the floor and smiled. Yeah, my life has been full of highs and lows but this felt different. Jackson brought me out of the shell I’d been living in for years and it felt good.
“I’m sorry I can’t be here to witness your first Valentine’s Day but I’m sure you’ll manage just fine without me.”
“Looks like I won the bet, huh?”
“You’re still on that? I wouldn’t care if you had a relationship or not. I just want you happy.” I poked my lip out and she laughed. “This time last year, you were in a bad place. I’m not sure which higher power sent Jackson your way, but I’m grateful. I haven’t seen you this happy in a long time.”
“I am happy.”
“Good. I told Jackson that I’d hurt him if he ever hurt you. I’m just a plane ride away.”
I felt the sigh rise my chest as I exhaled. Myliah leaves in three days and I’m not ready to let her go yet.
“Pine, your phone is ringing.” My thoughts were broken by Myliah’s voice.
I shook my head to clear it and hurried to the table to grab it.
“Open the door.” I smiled at hearing Jackson’s voice.
While holding the phone to my ear, I walked briskly to the door. As I opened it, my eyes were drawn downwards to a kneeling Jackson. My mouth dropped open and I felt Myliah walk up behind me.
“Jackson? What are you doing?”
The phone slid through my fingers as Myliah reached forward and took it from my hands.
“Before you came into my life, I was depressed and didn’t think I could trust a woman again. You have made me see myself in a better light and taught me how to stand on my own in any relationship. I don’t want to see my life without you. I know we haven’t known each other that long but you’re it for me. Pineapple Dream, will you marry me?”
My whole body shook and I could feel the tears welling in my eyes. I didn’t trust my voice so I nodded.
“Is that a, yes?” He asked.