“In here, Vi!” Jay finally replies.
My heart rate settles at his voice. We keep a lot of valuable, powerful objects in the storehouse. A breach could be catastrophic.
His voice came from the kitchen. With any luck, he made coffee for two and the night will get a skosh better.
Jay’s a good guy, attitude aside. His dating stories are always 10 times more impressive and hilarious than mine.
Besides, I stopped trying years ago. What’s the point?
No one ever leaves Tavers City, and few witches choose city living. Those that move here tend to pick the coven based in Canary Pointe, on the outskirts and among the tract homes.
Witches don’t usually like the chaos of the metropolis or the commute for meetings out here.
Not me though. I’ve got Annie and my job at Parsens, such as it is. It pays well and I get to see my best friend all day, so why would I choose something else?
When I pass through the hallway into the kitchen, I find Jay and a woman I’ve never met before. Hair so dark, it’s black is bound into a high ponytail and emphasizes bright green eyes.
Joggers are emphatically not sexy, except when she’s wearing them. Between the way the pants curve against her thighs and the fitted tank and sports bra, I have to remind myself that staring is inappropriate.
Shit, those thighs. I bet her—
“Vi, this is Brynn Hathaway,” Jay says, and it snaps me out of my perusal of our newcomer. I don’t think he noticed because he never pauses. “Brynn’s new in town. You moved in with your aunt?”
The woman in question grasps a teardrop citrine hanging from a gold chain around her neck and swings it side to side so that it’s impossible to do anything but watch her do it.
“Great aunt,” she replies, and the alto tones in her voice are sultry and sexy as fuck. With my luck, she’s already tied to someone, but I don’t see any binding jewelry so perhaps not?
Except that when her focus is on me, it’s an annoyed glare. The woman—Brynn?—assesses me with clear disapproval of my drooling.
“Hi,” I say and double-check the scrawled note. “Was I supposed to meet you?”
“Yes,” she growls. “An hour ago.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I can’t read the note.”
“And it never occurred to you to clarify your instructions?” she presses.
Her tone is tight and full of reproach. I get that she had to wait an hour, but Jay is great company. There’s no need for the dramatics.
“Giving Miri yet another reason to chastise me is low on my to-do list,” I say, and Brynn gives a little smile then hides it away. “You ready to go, Jay? I’d like to get back sooner rather than later.”
“That’s what the note’s about, Vi. I’m relieved of duty. You’re walking Brynn around the perimeter and teaching her the land.”
I groan. “Tonight? Seriously? The renewal festival is tomorrow. I want to be done and go home for some extra rest. You know they’re gonna make us clean up.”
“I don’t mean to be such a burden to you,” Brynn snips. She crosses her arms, and it crushes her breasts together in a way that must be intentional. It draws my gaze right to her neckline again.
“Don’t take it personally,” I reply and avert my eyes. “I don’t want to walk with Jay either.”
“Hey, I’m fantastic patrol company,” he objects.
“Sorry, Jay. You know I love you. It’s just a shitty job on a shitty day.”
“Sure, sure, Violet. You got this?”
“Yeah, I’ll talk to you later.”