Page 166 of XOXO

“So…” She grinned before taking a sip of her latte. “You wanna tell me about it?”

“Stacey, the dark haired woman at the bar, did you see her?” he asked. She nodded. “Last year she and her husband approached me. Apparently it was her greatest desire to have a threesome and Cal was up for it, so I said why not.”

“As one does,” she replied, before snorting.

“Yes, as one does. Now I’m pretty flexible, I guess you’d call me either Bi or Pan, not that it’s too important really. But Stacey was used to being the boss in the bedroom, and I uh… why am I telling you this?” He ran a hand through his messy, greying hair and June pushed his coffee closer to him.

“I have a trustworthy face?” June offered.

“Sure, it's not that seeing her threw me off, it’s your face.”

“It is, so… go on.” June winked. The man laughed and shook his head.

“So yeah, I tend to run dominant in bed but so did Stacey and once Cal started to listen to me more then he listened to her, well she got jealous and it all spiraled into a mess.”

“Sounds fairly awful.”

“Yeah, it definitely did not end well.” He sipped on his coffee and gave her an appraising look. ”Well now we know why I left so early, but I never did get my five minutes with you so I don’t even know why you were there.”

“My story is much less interesting,” she promised before going on, “I’m married to the job.”

“Aren’t we all?”

“Yeah well, collegiate hockey is grueling. I love it, but I don’t misunderstand just how much of my life it takes up. And Mia, that’s my best friend and the coordinator of the event last night, she all but demanded I show so I could at the very least, get laid.”

“And did you, MIss June, get laid?” He leaned forward over the table and she could feel the blush cover her cheeks.

“Nah, the only guy there,” she murmured, “Whose name I still don't know by the way, that guy was the only one who sparked any interest and he left me high and dry before we even got to speak.” She raised an eyebrow at his cheery grin.

“Oh?” There was so much in that single word. ”Well June, I’m Aramis. I’m 41, widowed, and a research scientist.”

“Hello Aramis, what an interesting name,” June replied.

“Ah, that’s possibly not a speed dating conversation.”

“What about a first date?” June asked.

“Is this what that is?” Aramis volleyed back.

“I would not mind that at all. I can’t deny that I prefer men older than me. I spent enough time with stick rabbits back in college, and now I want someone with more… experience. And like I said before, you definitely sparked my interest.”

“What in the blue hell is a stick rabbit?” he asked.

June laughed so hard she almost snorted out coffee. “Have you never heard the term ‘puck bunny’?” He shook his head no. “Ahhhh, so you know nothing about hockey. Interesting. A puck bunny is a female hockey groupie, usually only in it for the money, the fame, and the sex. A stick rabbit is the male equivalent,” she explained.

“And you had your own groupies?”

“Not personally.” She shook her head. “But I played D1 hockey at Wisconsin, so the team had groupies and I, like my teammates, partook.”

“I can understand that. I was widowed young, too young and the way I dealt with that was pretty much to sleep my way through the research department I interned at,” he offered.

“I totally get it,” she agreed. “It’s hard to say no when sex is offered so freely, right? Especially if you’re stressed to high hell or—”

“Or dealing with a heavy dose of grief, yes,” he finished for her.

“Nothing wrong with that,” she told him.

“Oh, I know.” He smiled. “But it’s been years now and I’m past that. I know I settled too early, yet another conversation for later, but I believe I’m ready to try again.”