Page 164 of XOXO

Oh well, June thought, right as a new man sat across from her.

“You’re too young for me.” Were the first words out of his mouth.

“Wow. Cutting it quick, are you?”

“I simply do not see the point in even pretending I’m interested when I have a clear desire for an older woman,” the man continued.

“Luckily for you this is a public space so I can’t go hockey goon on you. Also lucky for you, I also prefer an older man, so let’s try this again. Hi. I’m June.”

“Hockey? Oh, I’m Scott.”

“Yes, hockey. I played my whole life and now I coach. I am fully capable of kicking your ass but my friend is in charge of this event and I don’t want to upset her.”

“Okay, fine.” He held his hands up in mock surrender. “Hi, I’m Scott and I’m here to find a sugar mama.”

“Jesus. Really?” June asked, dumbfounded.

“Yes. I’ve found that I enjoy being taken care of, and college is hard enough on its own, having to work to pay for coffee just seems dumb.” He leaned back against his chair and June studied him, confused by his demeanor.

“Wow, and women just… accept this?”

“You’d be surprised what I can get away with being young, attractive and good in bed.” He grinned and sent her a wink. June groaned.

“Interesting,” she deadpanned.

“What? Don’t act all self-righteous, June, who likes older men.”

“Yeah, but that’s an experience thing, not an ‘I want them to pay for my life’ thing. I’ve been with guys my own age and in general, they’re all selfish and self absorbed,” she told him.

“You’re not wrong. I’d say you’re only a few years older than me, and all my friends are self important assholes.”

“I’m thirty-one.” She wasn’t ashamed of her age at all, nor her place in the world.

“Yeah, I just hit twenty-eight, and I’m in my second year of med school. I have a shit ton of loans and barely any time, hence the sugar mama thing,” he offered.

“Hey, to each their own, I’m not judging you at all, Scott. Just never met anyone who was looking for that.”

“Well now you have—DING!—and now I’m off to find my Miss Right. Good luck!”

“You too!” she called out as he left her.

Two down, god knows how many left to go. June met Mia’s gaze and stuck her tongue out. Mia rolled her eyes but sent a waiter over and June appreciated that.

“What can I get for you, miss?” the waiter asked.

“Another margarita please, and are there appetizers available?”

“Stuffed mushrooms, mini leek quiches, bacon wrapped water chestnuts, and miniature spring rolls,” he listed.

“Oh, could you also bring me a plate of mini quiches and mini spring rolls, please?”

“Yess, miss. Be right back with that order.” The waiter slipped back through the crowd and June searched for the man she’d seen earlier. She didn’t see him, sadly.

The waiter arrived at the same time as her next tablemate. She thanked the waiter and turned to start her spiel over again, but the man across from her clucked his tongue at the poor young waiter and demanded a scotch on the rocks. Immediately she wanted to hit him.

“Yeah, you can go now,” she said, coldly.
