Page 148 of XOXO

Hearted by the Ogre

Saam King


Cassandra is one of the few refugees living in the kingdom. She's surrounded by ogres and growing up in the castle has shown her that they're kind and caring. But since she's only a part of the help, she knows that her place is not by the side of the ogre that she's fallen in love with.

King Maximus is the newly-crowned sovereign of the country, but he already has his eyes on his future Queen. She may not know it yet, but Max fully intends to woo Cassandra and have her by his side–as his equal.

With Hearts Day upon them, it's the perfect day to confess his feelings. But will she be willing to accept them? Or is the price of being Queen too much for her to pay?


Content Warnings:

Sexually Explicit Scenes

Refugee Main Character



1. Chapter One

2. Chapter Two

3. Chapter Three

4. Chapter Four

5. Chapter Five

6. Chapter Six

7. Chapter Seven

About the Author


To CMNS. ROD for life. Love you guys.

Chapter One

Cassandra met her new king for the first time with her head bowed along with the other servants. She'd worked for the old king—King Magnus—until he'd decided to retire early with his beloved queen and gift the burden of the crown to his only child—his son.

Cassandra had been King Magnus' head-of-household and he'd left all of his trusted staff behind, knowing that the last thing his son would need was to break in a new routine while he was still getting used to his heavy responsibilities.

"Take care of him, Cass," King Magnus had told her quietly, patting her head with his huge paw of a hand as he always had,since the day she'd first met him, at five years old and hidden behind her mother.

She admired him greatly, respecting him and the honest way he led the kingdom and his home. She loved Queen Grace, wishing she could one day grow up to be like her. She was unwaveringly kind and she'd cared for her people as if they were her own children.

Cassandra had watched the prince grow up, only a few years older than her, but they were worlds apart. She was only an assistant in the kitchen at the time that he left for school—working under her mother, assigned to various areas, learning the work that she hoped would lead to a brighter future for her.

Eventually, she'd earned her place as the head-of-household and had proudly used the extra earnings to push her parents into early retirement. King Magnus had generously given her mother a hefty pension and eased Cassandra's mind even more.

She loved the king and his family and she would serve her new king with the same loyalty—unwavering and absolute. Still, it was disconcerting to be bowing in front of the male who had just taken over.