Page 139 of XOXO

“Or her bonded mate, as the Vampyres call it,” Sadie said, flashing a grin. “And he’s a good one. He loves Adelyn with a deep passion and wants to do something special for her. Since understanding her heritage is important to Addie, Leo wants to give her something of Ellania’s.”

Marta gnawed her lip as she considered. “Isn’t it against the terms of the adoption to ask me that?”

“Yes.” Squaring her shoulders, Sadie held firm. “And this is the first time I’ve ever breached the closed adoption rules. If Miranda knew, she might sanction me.”

“The queen holds you in high regard,” Marta said with a soft smile. “I’m sure she’d let it slide.”

Chuckling, Sadie ran a hand through her short hair. “Maybe. I think Felton would be quite upset, which is why I’m happy he’s not here—although I have no wish to lie to him.” She held up a finger. “I’m just glad I had the luck to stop by when he wasn’t home.”

Marta’s fingers absently plucked a wayward strand on her skirt. “He was livid when Ellania got pregnant. She was so young, and he was sure her life would be ruined…”

“I understand,” Sadie said, scooting closer and placing a sympathetic hand over the woman’s knee. “These situations are difficult for everyone. You did the best you could.”

“Ellania swore she loved Kal. She would plead for me to let her meet him in their secret spot. Felton discovered their meetings and forbade her.” Covering her face, she began to weep. “And then she got sick…”

Rising, Sadie circled the chair and slid her arm around the woman’s shaking shoulders. “There, there,” she said, rubbing her back in long, soothing strokes. “These things happen, Marta. It wasn’t your fault.”

Eventually, the woman’s sobs subsided, and she reached for a tissue from the end table. “And now she’s gone, and her baby has a husband…and babies of her own. Goddess, I wish I could hug them…”

“If you want me to set up a meeting, I’m happy to—”

“No,” she said, violently shaking her head. “Felton would have my hide. He blames Kal for Ellania’s death. It’s completely irrational, but we all grieve in the ways we can. Having distance from Adelyn helps him compartmentalize the pain.”

“But what about you?”

Sighing, Marta wiped her nose. “He’s my husband, Sadie, and we decided this chapter was closed decades ago. I keep an eye on Adelyn through all the royal missives I read in the paper, and that’s enough. She looks so much like Ellania…” Sniffling, she shook her head. “I just can’t reopen that chapter.”

“Okay,” Sadie said, squeezing the woman’s shoulder before returning to sit on the couch. “But your reaction gives me a glimmer of hope you’ll help me.”

The corner of Marta’s lips ticked up before she rose. “Give me a minute?”

Sadie nodded as the woman headed into the adjoining room. Returning, she held up a silver necklace with a small purple quartz pendant.

“Kal gave this to Ellania,” the woman said, her voice gravelly with emotion. “The gift of a young man who fell in love with my daughter.” She affectionately stroked the necklace.

Sadie observed the glimmering silver chain. “It’s pretty. I imagine he made it for her?”

Marta’s lips pursed as she nodded. Gripping Sadie’s hand, she placed the necklace in her palm before closing her fingers over it. “Give it to Adelyn’s husband. Let him know it was a symbol of what her parents created together. My beautiful granddaughter.”

Tears welled in Sadie’s eyes as she clenched the necklace. “Are you sure? This must hold great value for you—”

“I’m sure. It already belongs to Adelyn. Somehow, I knew it would make its way to her one day.”

Sadie’s lips warbled as she smiled. “Leo will be thrilled, and I know Adelyn will treasure it. Thank you, Marta.”

“Will you do me a favor?”

“Anything,” Sadie replied.

“Squeeze Adelyn a little bit harder next time you hug her. Maybe she’ll sense it’s from me. And hug my great-grandbabies too.”

Unable to control the surging emotion within, Sadie swiped away an errant tear. “I will. Do you want me to stay for a while longer? We could have tea if you like?”

Marta anxiously glanced toward the door. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Felton will be home soon, and although I have no wish to lie to him either, I think I’ll keep your visit between us. I love my husband, but I’ve learned that we all have to choose our battles in marriage. Is that terrible?”

“Not at all,” Sadie said, drawing her in for a hug. “Some secrets need to be kept.”

After one last squeeze, Marta led Sadie to the door. When she’d taken a few steps across the gravel trail, Marta called her name.