Page 135 of XOXO

Kellan beamed, causing Leo’s heart to squeeze in his chest. The kid was adorable, and had the precociousness of his mother. His daughter, Briala, on the other hand, had inherited a fair amount of Leo’s surly demeanor, but he inwardly admired her churlishness. The twins weren’t even five yet and they were a force to be reckoned with. He expected no less of the children he’d created with Adelyn, his kind yet fiery mate who he loved to distraction.

“I’m ready for school!” Kellan exclaimed, pumping his fists in the air as Sadie chuckled.

“You sure are. Just remember to wash your hands. Your dad’s blood gives you extra immunity, but you’re one of the rare immortals to have Vampyre, Slayer and Nymph blood. That makes you very special.”

“Speaking of that,” Leo said, rubbing the back of his neck as he leaned against the counter. “I was hoping to ask you for a favor.”

Sadie’s eyebrow arched. “I thought you might be up to something. Addie usually brings the twins to their physicals together.”

“Mommy’s mad at Daddy,” Kellan chimed from the bed, his legs swinging as he imparted the information.

“Is that so? Well now, why don’t you head to the waiting room and ask Tarin to give you a lollipop so I can talk to your dad?” Kellan slid from the table before beelining to the door. “Only one, okay? I don’t want to send you home high on sugar.”

“Geez, Sadie, you really owe me now,” Leo teased, crossing his arms. “Addie’s going to kill me if he stays up past his bedtime.”

Smiling with those kind eyes, she trailed to the counter and leaned her hip against it to look up at him. “So, what’s up? What did you do this time?”

“It will be fine,” he said, expelling a heavy breath. “I told her I want to join the army reserves. It will require me to pass Jack’s boot camp and report for training every third weekend after that.”

“That’s honorable.” Her eyebrows drew together. “I would think she’d be open to that since her father is the commander.”

He rubbed his forehead. “She is, but… It’s hard to explain. I think she’s worried I’m going to get hurt…or die. But strange things are happening in Eternal,” he said, referencing the secret immortal compound in the human world located in rural Pennsylvania. “If Dakath attacks, I want to be ready to fight. I want to defend her and our kids.”

“I understand,” Sadie said, patting his arm. “So what do you need from me?”

“I know Valentine’s Day is a human tradition that’s not really celebrated in the immortal world, but some of my extended family celebrate it. I overheard Arderin talking about the romantic gifts Darkrip gives her each year, and I want to do something like that for Addie.”

“Aw, that’s sweet. Do you want me to suggest something?”

Clearing his throat, he straightened. “Actually, I already have something in mind. She loves the quartz pieces that Toross has given her over the last few years. I was hoping I could also give her something from her birth mother.”

Sadie bristled as her eyes widened. “Oh, Leo, that’s very thoughtful, but you know Addie’s adoption was closed and her mother passed away shortly after she was born—”

“But her Slayer grandparents are still alive, right?” he asked, holding up a finger. “And even if they choose to remain anonymous, I’m sure they would understand her desire to have something of her mother’s. Perhaps a ring or a trinket—I don’t know. Something that was important to her birth mom that I can give her on Valentine’s Day. I think it would make her really happy.”

“I’m sure it would,” she said, cupping his arm, “but closed adoptions are airtight. I can’t violate her birth mother’s family’s privacy, Leo.”

Resting his hands on her slight shoulders, he smiled. “You’re the only one who knows her birth family, Sadie. Adelyn has an intense need to understand her roots; to connect with parts of her past she can’t access. I know you understand that, considering what you went through to acquire the heirloom for Daphne that belonged to Nolan’s grandfather in England.”

Wrinkling her nose, she shook her head. “That’s the last time I ever tell you anything.” She swatted his chest. “And it was important to me that Daphne have something of Nolan’s heritage. Tordor and Esme were passing through England on their unification mission, and they offered to track down the heirloom for me.”

Leo cocked a brow. “Did they offer or did you ask them until they capitulated?”

Laughing, she lifted a shoulder. “Maybe a bit of both.”

“You and I both know I’m stubborn enough to wear you down until you do this for me, Sadie. Why not save us both the trouble and just say yes?”

Her lips fluttered as she contemplated. “Fine. I’ll approach her grandmother and see if she has anything. But this has to stay between us,” she said, gesturing between them. “I’m violating tons of protocols by contacting someone involved in a closed adoption.”

Stepping back, Leo made an X over his heart. “Promise.”

“Dad!” Kellan called from the open doorway. “Tarin said I could have two lollipops!”

Sadie flashed a derisive grin. “You’d better take care of that. I’m on it. I’ll call you if and when I’m able to make progress.”

Drawing her into a firm hug, he whispered, “Thank you, Sadie. I owe you one.”

“Always,” she said, squeezing his waist before releasing him. “Now get that kid home. I can guarantee Tarin stuffed his pockets with candy.”