“Oh, yeah?” I take a drink.
“Did the police really escort you out? Why?” He holds my hand.
“Nigel’s way of humiliating me for not accepting his advances.” I shrug.
“Wait, is this because he ran into us last night? He said he was happy for us.” He grinds his teeth.
“Something about superiors dating subordinates. I’m in breach of contract.” I chug the last of my wine.
“Well, if that’s not the pot calling the kettle black.” He scoffs.
“I know. Nigel knows. I’m sure the tenth floor has been scrambling all day to cover their asses.” I lean back.
“What are you going to do?” He puts my legs across his lap.
“I have a copy of my contract here and will go through it with a fine-tooth comb.” I take a deep breath. “Then make my move accordingly.”
“Lucky you have a copy here. Most would’ve just kept it at the office.” He rubs my feet.
“I’m not like most. Nigel knows this.” I laugh.
“If you’re not working there, then I quit.” He pushes his shoulders back.
“Don’t be silly.” I playfully slap his arm. “One of us has to be gainfully employed.” I laugh.
“I’ll have you know; I’m highly sought after.” He bobs his head. “I turned down a management position at another firm last week.”
“What? Why?” I gasp.
“You work so many hours; I was afraid I wouldn’t see you if I left the firm.” He looks down.
“You’re the most amazing man ever,” I say, wrapping my arms around him.
“How about I get you another glass of wine and start dinner?” He winks.
“Or… we could soak in a bubble bath, order Thai, and watch movies.” I wiggle my eyebrows.
“I like where this is going. First wine, then bath.” He stands, taking my glass.
“That sounds amazing.” I kiss the air.
Watching him walk away, my heart is full. He’s more than perfect and I love him so much. There’s nothing I’d change about him. A sharp knock at the door drags me from my thoughts. Answering it, fully expecting an angry Colleen, I’m shocked at who I see.
“Do you ever answer your phone?” he asks, leaning against the outer door frame. “Going to invite me in?”
I step aside. My stomach churns nervously as he walks through the door. If he’s here, it can’t be good. He looks around, sniffing the air. I’m sure realizing we’re not alone.
“What are you doing here?” I ask, eyeing him closely.
“I wasn’t too sure which wine, so…”
“Who’re you?” Christopher glares at Bobby.
“Plot twist.” Bobby tilts his head while staring at Christopher.
“Christopher!” I snap.