Page 45 of Lone Star Witness

He buried his face against her neck and let go.

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Chapter Fifteen

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When he heard someone say his name, Slade jackknifed to a sitting position. And cursed when the pain rolled over him.

But not solely pain.

He got a jolt of a different kind when he saw a naked Marise sleeping face down on his bed. They’d come here shortly after having sex in the hot tub room and had apparently crashed since it was now…

He cursed. Nearly eight in the morning.

At first, Slade thought the clock was wrong. It was still way too dark for morning. But then, he realized it was pissing down rain, and the thick gray clouds weren’t letting in much illumination in the skylights.

So, the time was right. And he had indeed crashed despite everything that’d been on his mind? Apparently, great sex was a cure-all. But not for the damn voice that said his name again.


“What is it, Spock?” Slade demanded in a whisper, hoping the question and Spock’s answer wouldn’t wake Marise.

It did.

She opened her eyes and quickly scrambled to a sitting position. The maneuver gave him a nice view of her breasts.

“You have visitors at the gate,” Spock informed him. “Your brothers, Nash and Jericho, and Caroline Maverick.”

Hell. This couldn’t be good, and Slade checked his phone to see if he’d missed a call or text from either of his brothers. He hadn’t.

“Open the gate for them,” Slade instructed Spock, and he hurried from the bed to get dressed.

Marise got up as well, and while he could see she was flustered by the interruption, that didn’t stop her from dropping a drive-by kiss on his mouth when she glanced around the room.

“No clothes,” she muttered. “They’re in the hot tub room. I have clean scrubs in my go-bag.”

She headed in that direction while Slade threw on some jeans and a black tee that he took from his closet. He was still in the process of putting on his holster and boots when Spock spoke again.

“I’ve unlocked the door for your visitors. Should I activate the coffeepot?” Spoke asked.

“A definite yes on that,” Slade agreed.

He had plenty of coffee. Plenty of food in the fridge and pantry, but he seriously doubted that Nash and Jericho had brought Caroline here for an impromptu breakfast. No.

Something had happened.

By the time Slade made it to the living area, his brothers and Caroline were coming in through the front door. Jericho seemed to do some sort of doubletake and smiled.

“I’m guessing you didn’t sleep alone,” Jericho said.

“Why the hell would you think that?” Slade countered.

“You have a sense of sated urges coming off you. And you’ve got a hickey on your neck.” Jericho’s grin widened.

Just as Marise came hurrying into the room.

Hell. She also had a hickey on her neck, and Slade supposed there was indeed a sense of sated urges coming from her, too.