Page 82 of Pieces of Us

Tears of sadness weep from both of us.

Everything Jagger said makes sense now.

I feel like my entire insides and outsides have been soaked in bleach. If only it could remove the stains on my soul.

Chapter 31



After another attempt to get a hold of Uncle Jacob about plans for my house, I finally give up and head to his house.

It has already been an emotionally draining week between divulging my dark past with Jas and sending Jagger off at the airport. Tears glistened my eyes as my best friend hopped aboard. I hoped he knew his place in my life and how much I appreciated his gentle kindness and patience with me.

Since leaving Jas’ that afternoon, I wondered if my experience I shared with her was too provocative, but as I reflected more, I realised it ticked every box for her assignment and would prepare her for the shocks of being a journalist.

Despite being weary and dog-tired, there were things I needed to tie up before I left soon—like my house. Yawning widely, I go through the motions of slipping on a very basic black dress and my Havaiana thongs. Years of dressing to the nines or in sensual lingerie and bikinis has deprived me of the chance to just dress down like a slob.

Grabbing some herbal iced tea from the fridge to rehydrate and wake up, I scroll mindlessly through my phone to check emails before I head out.

I’m disappointed that I haven’t heard from Lincoln since I’ve been back. It’s not that I was expecting him to grovel, but I at least thought he’d attempt to see me. Especially since he made a point of asking to chat when I got back.

I even flicked him a message yesterday to let him know I’d be free for the rest of the week. No reply. It’s insecure reasons like this that make me want to pull away again.

Feeling low, I chug the last of the tea and turn to trek to the door. As I’m leaving, Dad and Lily stroll in, giggling.

‘Lily? What are you doing here?’ Her eyes widen as Dad stiffens beside her—probably in pain still.

‘I was coming to see if you wanted to grab dinner.’

I was sure I texted her that I was going to Uncle Jacob’s. Unless I am crazy and didn’t? I have been a complete scatterbrain lately.

‘Oh, I’m on my way out to see Uncle Jacob about my house, and then I was going to see if Lincoln wanted to take a walk or something.’ So I had a secondary plan for going over. Sue me.

‘Lil, you know you’re welcome to stay and have dinner with me. You’ve been working double shifts since you got back. Relax. If you’re here when Amity gets back, great, otherwise, you can always crash and catch up with her tomorrow.’ Dad seems to have a quick solution for her unannounced visit. I’m too tired to grill him on why he’s being weird, so I just wave my hands at both of them.

‘Yeah, yeah. Catch you both later.’

The door shuts behind me, but I swear I can hear the giggling start up again. I mean, I know Lily has been Dad’s nurse since he became injured, but it seems they’ve gotten closer in a weird, friendly way that my brain won’t compute because going anywhere near there would just shut my mind down.

The Uber doesn’t take long to pick me up and take me to Uncle Jacob’s house. As we draw closer, I can see that Lincoln’s car is parked in the driveway.

Sucking in a breath, I see him climb out and walk determinedly up the driveway. I jump out of the Uber, barely thanking the guy, and chase after him. He continues to stride forward, opening the front door and nearly slamming it shut on my nose.

‘Linc. Shit. Woah.’ I leap back to protect my face.

The doors open again, revealing his restless face. I’m not sure who put him in this mood, but it heightens concern in my body.

I swallow heavily as I take in his intense stare. His jaw clenches and his hands flex by his sides in fists.

‘Hi.’ When he doesn’t respond, I start babbling. ‘This is a surprise. I mean, I was hoping you’d swing by, but I came to speak to your dad. I haven’t been able to get a hold of him. Is he here? I messaged you, but you didn’t respond either.’ Piecing all these coincidences together, I start to realise they may not be coincidences at all. Before I left the interview with Jas, I made her promise not to tell either of them until I did. What if she told them? My belly flops, knowing I am probably closer to the truth even if my mind is in denial.

‘Sorry…it’s been a busy few days,’ he interrupts softly. His grip on the door tightens, making his knuckles white. ‘I was planning to call you.’

‘Oh.’ God, this is beyond awkward.

‘Come in. I…Uh. I actually wanted to talk to you.’