Page 105 of Pieces of Us

Bythe time day one was done, I was beat. Amity still had some phone calls to make, which ended up being around two hours in total. She didn’t hit bed until just before two A.M.. Before falling asleep, she set her alarm for six A.M. As much as I wanted to be inside her, I knew she needed her rest, so I settled for our naked bodies cuddling.

Much to my surprise, I had woken to her head bobbing under the sheets with my cock in her mouth. She woke up fifteen minutes earlier to show me how much she appreciated that I was willing to give up sight-seeing so we could spend as much time together. I joined her for a quick workout, which was torture for my inflated cock as I struggled to watch her get through her 250 squats. While she jumped in the shower, I made a green-approved smoothie with what I could find in her fridge. Was it my choice of breakfast? Bleh. No. But, I had to start learning and adapting to her lifestyle, which meant understanding what she liked to eat to not trigger her spirals. By eight, we were on our way to the factory to see her lingerie and bikini line, which much to my delight ,was followed by another photoshoot of her in them. As she was finishing, we snuck into her change room and squeezed in a quickie with her bent over the small styling station. In the afternoon, she had a bunch of interviews to plan for with the team, which gave me the opportunity to stroll along the beach. That evening, she cancelled her appearance and stayed with me.

Considering I had to leave the next afternoon, I wasn’t sure what was planned for my last morning here, but Amity promised it would be something ‘just for us’.

‘We’re nearly there.’ Her hand squeezes mine. My bags are in the back of the chauffeured car, which is how she gets around when she’s in Los Angeles. I can see she’s slightly exhausted by the dark circles under her eyes, and unlike the last couple of days, she’s gone sans make-up. She’s also dressed down in tights, runners and a sports bra with a jacket over the top. We’re going to hike up to the Hollywood sign after wherever this ominous/mysterious meeting is.

It’s a stupid realisation, but it’s the first time we’ve matched the whole time I’ve been here. I’ve been dressed down in jeans over the past two days, while she’s been all glitz and glam. I know we’re each other’s perfect match, and that clothes don’t matter, but I’m afraid that the public will see she’s slumming it with me and think I’m below her. I want to be someone she’s proud to have on her arm. She hasn’t made me feel this way in the slightest. In fact, she’s gone out of her way to make me feel seen, included and loved every chance she gets, but I’ve just felt so insecure beside her. She’s the world’s sexiest sweetheart, and I know everyone must be scratching their heads, wondering what the fuck she’s doing with me.

‘Thanks, Charles. We’ll be back in about two hours, maybe a little over.’

The building we’ve pulled up at gives away nothing. It’s just a nondescript building that could be anything from an office or a gym. For all I know, we could be looking at more real estate for Amity. Unlike usual Los Angeles streets, this one has less hustle and bustle. There isn’t much action, not even so much as a cafe in sight. Taking this all in, I have to think we’re in some sort of business district that is much more boring than the Hollywood Walk of Fame that tourists flock to.

Slipping out of the car behind me, Amity goes straight to a door and rings the bell. Earlier in the morning, she had her nail technician come over and give her a new manicure. Her black, glossy cuticles have unlocked a new fetish in me, where I want to record and take pictures of her hands wrapped around my cock, or scratching down my back. They’re sexy as fuck, and it’s a stark reminder of how much of a woman she’s grown into. I can’t remember a time where she had long nails when we were in high school.

My eyes wander down to her perky ass that I know is only encasing a thin string between her cheeks underneath her tights. I have the urge to reach out and squeeze her, but I refrain. I’m thankfully saved by the white wooden door swinging back to reveal a middle-aged woman with long, bleached blonde hair. Her lips are ruby red, and she’s wearing matching red oversized cat glass. She’s just as dressed down as us.

Greeting Amity with a wide smile, she pulls her in for a warm hug. ‘It has been too long!’ she smiles, patting her back. Pulling away, she turns her gaze to me. ‘Ah, and you must be Lincoln. I’m April.’ Her tone is warm and inviting, but also curious and knowing as she shakes my hand.

‘Thank you so much for seeing us on such short notice.’ Amity is slightly guarded, which makes me wonder who the hell this woman is.

‘Oh, I’ve waited a long time for this.’ She turns, assuming we’ll just follow her, which of course we do. It takes a short walk down the corridor before we turn right into a room that is clearly a therapist office. There are doctorates hanging on one side of a wall, and a bookshelf on the other that has all types of self-help books and journals. A neat table with a laptop sits away from the window, and right in the centre of the room is a square shape made up of lounges and chairs, where I presume the bulk of our session will take place. There’s also a bunch of candles and plants strewn around the home to make it feel more cosy and less scary.

‘Uh, Amity, sweetheart, care to shed some light on who April is?’ My hand goes to the small of her back as she looks up at me with saucer-wide eyes. I make sure to rub soothing circles, my thumb finding the slither of skin I can feel as her jacket has ridden up.

‘I was going to tell you. I promise. I just got so nervous, and April opened the door so fast, I didn’t get the chance.’ She is adorably waffling as she fumbles through her justification.

‘It’s okay, baby. Who’s April?’ I ask again.

‘My therapist.’ Her reply is sheepish, before jumping into an explanation. ‘You said you wanted to maybe do a session or sessions with me, and you wanted to understand some of my past, and I said I’d arrange something, and then you came and surprised me, and I thought what better time to do it than when we’re both in person, and April had a spot, and you’re leaving this afternoon, and, well, here we are.’ By the time she’s done, she huffing and puffing because of how fast she spoke without a breath.

‘It’s okay, Hart. I want to do this,’ I assure her, rubbing both her arms with my hands, before pulling her in for a chaste kiss on her lips.

When we part, I see April observing us with a pen in her mouth.

‘How do you feel that Amity didn’t tell you?’ She quizzes me. I know she wants me to say something along the lines of feeling blindsided, where I’m sure she’d analyse and attack, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

‘Fine. I wanted to do this, and I’m glad Amity wants to do it with me. I hope this is a good sign for us. As I’m sure you know, there’s a lot of history between us. I don’t want to implode us again, and I want to know how to help support Amity, so she thrives.’

April nods her head approvingly. ‘Sit. Sit.’ Waving her arms at the various chairs around the room. Taking a seat together on the couch, Amity shifts closer to me and links her hands.

‘Amity, how are you feeling? I know last week was tough. When we spoke I told you to get Joan to check you were eating. Did you?’

This is news to me. I cock my head in her direction at an explanation. She burrows her head into my arm, not looking at my slightly scrutenising eyes in any way. ‘You didn’t tell Linc, did you?’ April tutts.

‘I forgot with how busy I’ve been, and also because I’ve never really had to tell him before. I usually end up telling Lily or Rome, which I did, and they made sure to check in.’ It cuts thats he went to Lily and Rome with something this big, but I need to remind myself to be patient and understanding that for the longest of times I was on the periphery of her life.

‘Tell me what happened, Hart.’ My tone is gentle and encouraging, or at least I hope it is.

‘I was just really overwhelmed at work, and I hadn’t spoken to you because we kept missing each other, and I started overexercising and forgetting to eat again.’

‘Anything else set you off?’ I asked, knowing that perhaps it was her wandering thoughts that led her down the garden path.

‘I don’t want to sound obsessive or stalkerish, or crazy, but I was wondering who you were with. If you were missing me. If Billie came back around again and seduced you. How we would work with me here and you over there. It was just an endless culmination of dark thoughts, and work wasn’t helping either.’ My heart is bleeding as she lets me inside her mind.

‘How does that make you feel, Linc?’ April asks.

‘Heartbroken, and like I’ve failed her.’