"I don't like it when people attack me." Reuben's gaze scanned the office.
I stood near the door, Gianni beside me. Damon and the twins were near the window.
"None of us does, boss," Gianni said. He leaned against the corner of Reuben's desk, his palm on the dark wood.
"None of us like being attacked, or none of us like it when Reuben is?" Hunter asked. "Just for clarification."
"Both," Gianni said. "I'm sorry I didn't make that clearer for you."
Hunter grinned. "No problem."
Reuben cleared his throat. "I don't like it when people attack any of us."
"There's been no further sightings of Kurt," Damon said. "Not before we saw Frank and not after the attack. To the surprise of no one, Frank has disappeared off the face of the earth. Whatever his real name is, is anyone's guess."
"I'm guessing it's not Gustav," Gianni remarked. "When I said that name, he gave me a blank look. If he was actually Gustav, he would have at least twitched."
"That narrows it down," Damon said sarcastically. "We can rule out a couple of thousand men."
"Does it matter who he was?" Parker asked. "He was probably just a random dude in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"I don't think his resemblance to Kurt was a coincidence," I said softly. "It might be, but they might be related."
"We should check with Daisy Lasalle to see if they have a relative with a resemblance to that prick," Damon said.
Reuben nodded. "Do it."
"I find myself conflicted," Hunter said. "Frank might be his twin. On one hand, twins are cool. On the other, Kurt is an asshole."
"It's possible to be a twin and an asshole at the same time," Damon said pointedly.
Hunter turned to Parker. "I think he's talking about us."
Parker squinted at Damon. "I think so too."
In unison, they flipped Damon off.
He flipped them off in return.
Both twins grinned.
"I don't think Kurt has a twin, but I can speak to Daze," I offered. I'd welcome the chance to spend more time with her. Even if it meant talking about him.
"All right," Reuben agreed. "You and Gianni go to Dusk Bay and speak to her. She should know about the attack. Kurt clearly has more resources than we previously assumed. But wait a few days. Let things simmer down. We'll give Damon's contacts time to keep looking for him and how he organised the attack. I don't want you going anywhere without me being sure you won't be ambushed."
"I don't want that either," Gianni agreed. "Not that we can't take care of ourselves, but I'd prefer not to be dealing with eight attackers when there's only two of us. Six or seven maybe." He gestured his hands back and forth. "But not eight. Especially not without Damon and his car smashing skills." He jerked a thumb towards the other man.
"You could crash a car if you had to," Damon said. "Knowing you, you'd enjoy it."
"You're so sweet," Gianni told him.
Damon rolled his eyes.
"They should just kiss and get it over with," Hunter whispered loudly.
"Maybe I should shoot you and get it over with?" Damon suggested.