My heart ached. She hadn’t moved in these few minutes apart from turning her head to check the room. She hadn’t been in there by herself since the day when she’d escaped.

Though the camera lens was tiny and up next to the light in the ceiling, she looked directly at it a few times. In her eyes I recognized fear. I’d seen that often enough, and caused it many times.

I was sure I also saw plain anxiety. She’d been my girl for so long. Had I crippled her? Though honestly that had been my aim.

The guard at the gate was alerted to keep the gate locked and Randall was waiting with him. She couldn’t actually get out without turning into a spider and climbing the walls. If she screamed we’d be on her in seconds and no one in this neighborhood would bat an eyelid.

The chair creaked as I sat back in it, thumping into the timber.

Glass eyed me sideways. His white blond mohawk looked sharp enough to attract a whole flock of women today. “What?”

“How long?” I asked sourly.

“Before we grab her again? Another five? You’ve done a thorough job on her head.”

I grunted and resisted grinding my teeth. Time ticked past. Without sound what I saw in the monitor seemed dreamlike or a nightmare. She walked to the door and opened it. I tensed, only relaxing when she stayed there, looking out toward the guard.

What the fok was she doing?

“Time.” I rose, shoving back my chair with a screech.

Jurgen took a handle of nuts from a bowl on the table and threw them in his mouth. “Thank fokken god. Go get her. If you’d tried killing her, either of you, I’d have whacked you both. I like her. Fucking waste as well as damn shocking to kill her. We’ll figure something, Pieter.” He crunched onto the nuts then pointed a finger. “She’s moving.”

Glass grunted. “You better go.” I stared and he shrugged. “So? Figure out something.”

Was that him bending? If she ran, she broke his rule.

Words with him seemed pointless. I strode to the door and headed after her.

She’d made it as far as the driveway where she’d deposited the suitcase. At the sound of my boots crunching closer, her shoulders slumped a little, but she said nothing, took no step, just waited. I went around and stood before her and stared down at her bowed head. A breeze stirred stray tendrils of her black hair, wafting them over her bared shoulders. My pretty siren. For a moment, I saw her naked and wrapped in barbed wire.

Slow as the moon rising, she raised her head. At the first sight of her liquid greenish eyes, I raised an eyebrow. Now to see what she would do. Her lips trembled...

Chapter 38

He was here.

I didn’t want to leave. Whenever I thought of stepping into the outside world I felt the ache of loneliness sweep through me, cold, raining on my soul, making me less than I was.

As his, I was someone. Out there, I was nothing but a cog in the machinery of society, doing my little job, growing old, growing less, dwindling day by day.

I was afraid he meant to truly free me. I knew it was bizarre and despite all my knowledge of the psychology of people in captivity, I also knew I was right to stay.

All that had happened these last few months had slowly disintegrated my sense of self and now I felt the tattered remnants of my ego unpeel from my bones and blow away, dust on the wind.

What was left was the essential me, stripped bare of trivial things. I had everything to lose though it was something I’d never valued before – my worth to a man.

Sir was like a gruff bear standing over me. I managed to hold his gaze for all of a second before I wavered and then he’d draw me again, because I knew he was still looking. Big. A powerful man. And he cherished me no matter what he’d done. The way he stared down with that eyebrow cocked, waiting to see what I’d do...I melted. Just melted.

I slid to my knees and clutched his leg through his jeans.

I was vulnerable because I’d surrendered completely.

With one simple word he could destroy me: Leave.

Please, please, don’t say that.

My words came out strangled and miserable, a few caught in my throat. “You didn’t mean to let me go, did you, Sir?” I looked up, pleading terribly.