He shouted, “Miss Dixon, where is the money that you stole from my bank?”

“Don’t answer that!” Jack said angrily.

Abby had to snap her teeth shut and grind them closed until it ached to keep from screaming, “I don’t know where your fucking money is! Maybe you should ask Preston, you ass wipe.”

* * * *

Cooper crossed his arms, and went shoulder to shoulder with Zane to keep the president of Abigail’s bank away from her. He also resisted the sincere urge to punch the guy in the throat. This was the man who’d put a bogus arrest warrant out to make her life miserable and to keep her in jail pending further charges. The prick who’d indirectly gotten her thrown out of her apartment.

The man trying to reach for Abigail backed off when he finally realized that neither Zane or Cooper were going to let him through to touch her. There was a slim part of his brain that registered the fact that if not for this man and his heavy-handed tactics, he and Zane likely never would have met the delicious Abigail. It was enough to keep him from a battery charge.

On the other hand Cooper also wanted to believe she would have eventually stumbled into the Old West Town one day and found them, regardless of her association with this prick.

“This isn’t over, Miss Dixon. Not by a long shot. I want my money back.”

Eckhart pulled Mr. Stevenson away from their tight group. “Mr. Stevenson, I’ve investigated Ms. Dixon already. As far as I’m concerned, she’s not in any way involved in the fraud.”

“I don’t believe it.” He glared at her through the high shoulders of the men, refusing to move out of the way. “She’s the one who signed the approval for the loan.”

The detective glanced her way. “We’ve already determined that her signature was forged. Actually copied from a confidential document in your bank.”

“How is that possible?” Mr. Stevenson asked.

“The signature on the loan was an exact replica of the signature from her employment file. No one exactly duplicates their signature every time, and we have an expert willing to testify to it. The only people with access to the files are human resources and management. Your HR staff has been vetted. That leaves you and your nephew.”

Mr. Arnold suddenly spoke up, “Let’s take this to a more private venue, shall we?” He looked over at their group with a sharp stare.

Mr. Stevenson and the others exited out the side of the building. Abigail looked relieved for the first time since he’d known her.

Jack said, “Hey, why don’t we head back to my office. Where we can speak more privately, as well.”

They all headed for Jack’s office with the exception of Zachary. He had to catch a flight back to Colorado for his other pressing case.

Once they were all ensconced in Jack’s office conference room, Cooper asked the question. “What the fuck is going on?”

“When you sent me the information at first, we just didn’t get any breaks finding anything out. Two days ago, we got lucky.”

“Lucky how?” Zane asked.

“I was able to acquire the services of a private investigator who has amazing skills. He’s technically retired, but after I promised him my firstborn child, he agreed to work for me, and he found something.”

Abigail asked, “What did he find?”

“He was the one with the idea about the signature. I just didn’t know the police detective assigned had figured it out yet. Perhaps he got an anonymous note from somewhere.” Jack smiled, then added, “Also, Preston Stevenson, the bank owner’s nephew and heir apparent to the bank where you work, has an addiction.”

“Addiction? Really? I’ve never heard anything like that whispered about him.” Abigail shook her head. “He’s regarded as somewhat of a tightwad with regard to the funds at the bank. He’s very conservative on loan processing. The only people he’s gleefully willing to lend money to are people who don’t need it. I’m shocked to discover he spends money on anything.”

Jack shook his head, “He’s addicted to something all right. And it’s something surprisingly expensive.”

Cooper shot out a few guesses. “Like hookers, crack cocaine, and gambling?”