The case would be dismissed. Cooper wasn’t worried. The grand theft auto charge was completely bogus given that the vehicle in question had been her company car, but he did fear that her accusers weren’t through with her yet.

They’d likely put her through the motion of these ludicrous charges as a diversion until the investigation of her earlier job difficulty could be completed.

The bailiff read off the appropriate introduction for the case about to be heard. The judge shuffled some papers on his desk and then turned to the prosecutor. “I understand the prosecution wishes to be heard on the matter of a plea bargain for the defendant?”

“Yes, Your Honor. We’re willing to reduce the charges to a misdemeanor offense for a guilty plea of criminal mischief.”

Cooper felt his eyes widen in surprise. He hoped Abigail didn’t accept it. He turned to the court entrance doors once more willing them to open and bring a reprieve and a lawyer that he trusted.

The assigned defense attorney stood. “I’ve counseled my client on the benefits of a plea agreement, however, she does not wish to accept it.” Cooper decided quickly that her attorney was either a joke or too busy to not consider every plea bargain a gift of extra time.

Of course she wouldn’t agree to it. The case should be fucking dismissed. Cooper wished he’d agreed to represent her. Huge conflict of interest or not, he found it very difficult to sit on the sidelines in this matter when someone so important to him was in danger of losing her freedom.

The judge didn’t look too happy, but he didn’t comment. More papers were shuffled on his desk, and Abigail’s refusal to entertain the plea agreement was officially noted.

As this was a pretrial hearing, next on the agenda the prosecution had to demonstrate sufficient evidence for her to be bound over for trial.

“At this time we’d like to call a witness,” the prosecutor began.

“Call your first witness,” the judge said.

Zane leaned forward in his seat, readying to be called. In the car on the way here this morning, they’d talked about what he’d say. Cooper cautioned him to keep his answers short, and to the point, adding, “Don’t give a single word of testimony that isn’t asked for, okay?” He knew Zane was ready.

“The state calls Sheriff Duke Stanton of the Enclave Police Department forward.”

Chapter Thirteen

Abby’s eyes widened in shock when they called Duke to the stand. Given the conversation she’d had with her lawyer this morning, she’d expected for Zane to be called as a witness. The plea agreement mentioned by the court earlier had also listed a few other requirements not explained in the open proceedings.

They’d not only wanted her to plead guilty to a lesser misdemeanor charge involving her company car. They’d also wanted her to give testimony against Zane in the case they were building for the bank regarding the fraudulent loan application. They’d wanted her to swear that Zane had been the mastermind, and that she’d just been led astray.

In the few short minutes she’d had to converse with her lawyer, Mr. Jones, before court started, Abby had refused outright. “No plea bargain. I’m not guilty. In addition, I won’t say a single word against Zane Washburn. Not ever.”

Her lawyer had acted like she was an idiot for not taking the plea deal. Then he’d smirked, and she’d changed her attitude to wary. “He’s on the prosecution’s witness list, you know that, right? What do you think he’s going to say against you once court starts today?”

Even though her mouth fell open, she managed to ask, “What? He’s on the prosecutor’s witness list? But…he didn’t…” She stopped herself, and asked instead, “When did that happen?”

Her lawyer glanced through some papers. “He was subpoenaed almost two weeks ago.”

Zane hadn’t breathed a word to her. Although, she would have freaked out. Much like she was about to do anyway just hearing about it. What could Zane testify to except that she’d called him a bunch of names in public? Unless there was something else that the two of them had kept from her.

“I didn’t know he’d been called as a witness.” Her mind raced with unanswered questions. Had Cooper known about this? He must have. Why hadn’t either of them said anything? Was this about to be a cruel betrayal? Was she about to be locked up with the key thrown away? She’d sucked in a deep breath unable to process this new piece of information. Was she being a complete fool?