“Tell you what, move in temporarily. We’ve got lots of space. We can store your stuff until you find another place to live. One that doesn’t have such a prick for a landlord.”

A small smiled shaped her lips when Zane said the word “prick,” but she still looked dubious.

Zane walked all the way over to the sofa. He got down on his knees in front of her. “We have a guest room on the first floor of our house. It even has a side door close by so you’d have a separate entrance to come and go as you please. You won’t be in our way, and you’re welcome to stay as long as you want.”

Abigail turned to him with question in her expression. “Are you sure?”

Cooper nodded. “Absolutely. You can get your bearings until the court hearing.” And we can seduce you each and every night until then, if you’ll allow it.

“We promise not to seduce you each and every day.” Zane said almost the exact words he’d been thinking. He forgot how much he and Zane always thought alike.

A small smile emerged. “What if I want to be seduced each and every day?”

Zane took her face in his hands and kissed her passionately. “Then I know I speak for both of us when I say that we will be delighted to accommodate you.”

“I feel like I’m in some sort of crazy dream. I woke up yesterday with not a clue as to what was about to happened to me. Now my whole life is completely upside down. And about to be different yet again.”

“Once we get you ensconced in our sex dungeon—I mean spare room—then we can also discuss your coming hearing between seductions.”

Abigail grinned. “Sex dungeon. Really?”

Zane shrugged. “Well, it’s on the lower level. I wouldn’t use the term dungeon exactly.”

“Oh? And what term would you use?”

“I’d use the word playroom.” Zane laughed. “But don’t worry about that now. Let’s get you moved out and on the way to our place.”

Looking a little bit traumatized, she still nodded. “I don’t have too many things. This apartment came furnished, so luckily there aren’t any big, heavy furniture items to move.”

Cooper didn’t comment on the disparity of her bank executive job and the simple way she lived. With a company car and a furnished apartment, he might have expected her to have quite a stash of money hidden away somewhere, but if she did, where was it and why hadn’t she used it to free herself? The glance he’d had at her life thus far didn’t show where she might be spending a vast amount of cash.

He’d seen the inside of her bedroom closet. She had some nice clothing and shoes befitting a bank executive, but not excessive amounts of either. Even a low-paid position in her career would afford her a salary that would let her live better than the way she was currently only getting by.

Cooper always found it interesting how people spent their money. Some people had expensive hobbies that required wads of cash, but if she had an expensive hobby, it didn’t stand out. He noticed her degree framed on the wall. Perhaps she had paid off her school loans.

Abigail Dixon was a bit of a puzzle. But still, Cooper wanted to know every single thing about her.

She turned to him. “Thanks for standing up for me against my landlord. You were right, he’s a true prick on a good day. I would have believed him if he’d told me to get out be the end of the week.”

“No problem.”

Cooper made a couple of phone calls and had top-notch movers at her place within the hour. She packed a suitcase to last her a couple of weeks, and he helped supervise the workers box up her the rest of her things. By evening time she was completely packed up and ready to depart. The boxes of her meager life were loaded into a truck and headed for a storage place in Miser by sundown.

Zane joined him in the front seat, while Abigail took a nap in the backseat all the way to their home. She missed going through the security gate leading to their property behind very tall compound walls.

In fact, she didn’t wake up until Cooper pulled into their circular driveway.

Dusk encroached on the day as he put his car in park.

“Where are we?” she asked on a yawn.
