Still connected as they were, it was even more difficult for him to keep from pumping his cock inside her pussy a few more times. She felt so fucking good, Zane knew he’d want her for more than just an afternoon’s pleasure.

She put her lips against his jaw and he felt her tongue trace a path along his face. He shifted and pressed a luscious kiss to her mouth. The following tongue-tangling lip-lock made his cock pulse within her slick, tight pussy and throb with the need to release.

He wanted to come. He wanted to wait. He wanted to fuck her into submission. He wanted to watch her mouth moving on Cooper’s cock as he fucked her hard and fast. Jesus. He needed to get a grip.

His hips pulled out and pushed inside again once, on the very edge of oblivion, but then he stopped himself and held off. He took a deep breath and pushed it out.

Anticipation was the word of the day.

Zane finally pulled his lips from hers and then slowly pulled his cock from her lusciously tight pussy. “Go on over and get started on Cooper. He’s about to burst out of his britches.”

And I know exactly how he feels.

“All right.” She seductively crawled off the bed, landed two feet onto the floor, went immediately to her knees, and put herself between Cooper’s open thighs. Before she could get her fingers near his zipper, Cooper bent forward and kissed her. As they kissed, Zane watched her hands slip closer to his lap. She loosened his belt and unzipped his pants. As they maneuvered Cooper’s cock out into the open, Zane climbed off the bed and helped Abigail stand up. He then bent her over Cooper’s lap.

She grabbed his cock and shoved it into her mouth. Zane could tell Cooper loved what she was doing. And to be fair, it wasn’t rocket science.

Zane grabbed her hips, positioned himself behind her, and pushed his cock between her dripping pussy lips. She was still wet and ready to go.

He started thrusting at a slow pace. He wanted her to come again, too.

“How does that feel?” he asked and pushed his cock a little bit deeper and harder inside her pussy.

Abigail stopped the blow job and said, “It feels amazingly huge. How does it feel for you?”

Zane pushed all the way inside. She moaned when his cock hit the end of her pussy. “It’s incredibly tight, but I like it.”

“Excellent. I’ve discovered that I love big cocks. Being fucked by your big cock is topped only by sucking on Cooper’s huge dick at the same time.” She deep-throated Cooper’s cock all of a sudden. Cooper obviously loved it.

So did Zane. He withdrew and pushed back inside her luscious body a couple of more times.

She moaned around Cooper’s cock but didn’t stop what she was doing. Zane dug his fingers deeper into her hips and thrust hard and fast a couple of times. It felt so amazing he had to bite down on his lust, resisting the virulent urge to let go.

He reached round to finger her clit as Cooper started making panting noises and gripping the arms of the chair.

Zane loved to watch sex. Blow jobs were a particular favorite. And currently, he’d never been more aroused in his recent memory. With each thrust, he was on the powerful edge of orgasmic delight. And he wanted it. Wanted her. Wanted to watch Cooper with her.

As the vision of seeing Cooper fuck Abigail formed in his mind, his libido took control. His hips pushed harder, faster, deeper.

Cooper’s head fell back against the chair. His eyes slid shut and he moaned as if he’d almost found the ultimate pleasure. He then grabbed a hold of Abigail’s head and fucked her mouth a couple of times then fairly growled.

Abigail moaned, but she then swallowed. Zane sped the strokes to her clit. She pushed against him, released Cooper’s cock, and gripped her hands on the arms of the chair.

Zane almost couldn’t stop his own climax about to burst forth, but he breathed through is mouth and held off. Barely. Abigail suddenly shrieked. Her pussy clamped down on his cock. Zane couldn’t hold off any longer. He sent his hips forward with a deep, powerful, thrusting penetration, and the orgasm he’d been anticipating finally let loose.

Pleasure spiraled repeatedly from somewhere around the base of his spine, shooting out of his dick like a fireworks display gone out of control sending out every burst of the stockpile into the air at once.