“What do you think?” Zane asked. He leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to her parted lips, but she apparently wanted more.

She licked his mouth, kissed him hard, wrapped her arms round his neck, and broke away only long enough to say, “I think we need to come up with a safe word, but I don’t imagine I’ll use it.” She kissed him soundly on the mouth for several more seconds.

Cooper asked, “How about jailbird or perhaps jail cell? You wouldn’t scream that out during sex, would you?”

She broke their passionate kiss and laughed with sincerity threaded in her tone. “If those are my only two choices then I suppose I’ll choose jail cell. Because I don’t want to be a jailbird ever again.”

“You can choose whatever word you want.” Zane understood her reluctance over using the word jail.

She shrugged. “Jail cell is fine. It’s not like I plan to say it.”

“Jail cell it is.”

Zane released her. She turned around to face Cooper. He took her into his arms and laid a kiss on her that Zane envied, as he also searched her bedroom for something to bind her to the bed with. And then their sexual fun could begin.

* * * *

Abby was turned on like she’d never been turned on before in her life. If anyone had told her that she’d one day enjoy having a man spank her bare bottom, she would have laughed them out of the room.

Part of it was the surprise, but the sultry sound of the unexpected smack came right before the most delicious sting encompassed one lucky cheek. She already looked forward to a few more licks.

The idea of having two men in her bed was shocking enough, but then having them assign a safe word so they could tie her up, spank her, and whatever other naughty sexual exploits they had in store for her was truly over the top. And yet she wanted it. It wasn’t like she’d never seen a threesome in action before. She’d witnessed plenty while in college.

In her freshman year, she’d walked in on her sexually experienced roommate more than once in the middle of several very creative in flagrante positions. Tiffany and her boyfriend were very experimental.

Once Abby had come in to see Tiffany bent over sucking a guy’s cock as her boyfriend fucked her from behind. The guy getting the blow job had eventually turned and watched her as she stared at them in utter shock. Abby had been mesmerized for several seconds watching the shocking act before closing the door and leaving again because it didn’t seem like the three of them were at all worried about her being there.

In fact, upon reflection, they probably waited until they knew they’d get caught before starting up the salacious sexual act. And likely the reason Abby had caught them so many times.

Back then she’d had her head in her books, and boys were only a distraction away from her ultimate goal. Getting through college with her hard-won scholarship and being able to have a new life that didn’t involve living on the wrong side of town, wondering whether dinner would be available on any given night, or permanent public assistance as a lifestyle choice had been her unyielding objectives.

The sex fest she witnessed more than once back in college courtesy of her roommate may have been shockingly intriguing, but she’d had stronger goals at the time pulling her in a different direction. A direction that had never included a love life. At least not until now.

Those vague memories from her first-year college roommate were all she had to guide her on this new exciting adventure. She might regret her impulsive need to consummate this unusual sexual opportunity but planned to worry about it later. She’d waited long enough.

Being staid, hardworking, and lacking a sex life hadn’t rewarded her with very much over the past several years in her chosen career. Yesterday, her to-date unsatisfactory career had been put on hold. Today, she wanted to give passionate, crazy, and unexpected a solid try. She deserved it.

Cooper kissed her like he couldn’t get enough. Meanwhile, Zane prowled around her room, searching. If she hadn’t been so busy with the kiss she would have offered to help. He finally opened her closet and came away with a scarf and two belts. As if the two of them had choreographed this seduction in advance, the bed was quickly turned down, Abby found herself centered on it, and her wrists were belted to the brass headboard.