“I know.”

“If you have that much money lying around available to help me with bail money, why would you need to borrow half a million dollars from my bank?”

He grinned and helped her into the backseat of the car before following her in. “Well, the thing is…I didn’t borrow any money from your bank. Cooper is also looking into that issue. I don’t want any warrants sworn out for my arrest either.”

“I’m sorry for all the names I called you yesterday.” The car was warmer than outside, or perhaps sitting in a backseat with Zane kept her from being cold.

“I’ll forgive you for a kiss.”

She turned to face him. “Really? And if I refuse to kiss you, no forgiveness?”

“Nah. You’re forgiven. I wanted to kiss you again without getting interrupted this time. That’s all.”

She grinned. “I see. Well, I should show my appreciation. You did spend a sizeable amount cash of to ‘spring me.’”

He shook his head. “You don’t owe the two of us anything. I don’t want what happens between us to be in any way contingent on money, okay?”

She stared deeply into his eyes and felt her mouth tremble with even more heartfelt gratitude. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to thank you enough for what you’ve done. It’s been quite a while since anyone has gone out of their way for me. And now you’ve done it twice. First finding me a lawyer and now paying my bail. You’d better watch out. I may have to fall in love with you.”

“Good. I’m already halfway there myself.” He eased closer, and the look in his eyes fairly simmered with sexual desire, but she sensed that he wouldn’t kiss her first. He didn’t want her to feel obligated. Where had these two men been all her life?

Abby pressed her lips to his, vowing silently to do everything in her power to see that his name was cleared. His lips parted. His tongue swirled seductively inside her mouth. She leaned against his chest, relaxing into his embrace, deepening the kiss.

Mentally, she calmed herself, feeling safe for the first time in twenty-four hours. His arm slid around her back. He pulled her closer. She wanted more.

The more they kissed the more she liked it. Her heart pounded. She didn’t want this to end. Abby slipped her hands around his neck and pulled him with her as she lay back on the seat.

The sound of the driver’s door opening startled her but didn’t keep Zane from continuing the kiss like it didn’t matter who was about to catch them out of sight in the backseat.

* * * *

Cooper saw Zane and Abigail kissing in the backseat as soon as he exited the Miser Justice Court building. Then he saw them slide down together out of sight in the backseat. He wondered if any clothing was being stripped off.

Smiling as he approached the car with his final few steps, Cooper opened the car door and wasn’t a bit surprised that Zane didn’t stop.

“I hate to interrupt the, ‘I just got out of jail’ action in the backseat, but where are we going next?” Cooper asked as he started the car.

There was some shifting around in back, likely more Abigail than Zane, and Zane said, “To her place. You have the address now, don’t you?”


“Wait. How do you know my address?”

Cooper twisted in his seat and looked into her surprised face. “Your address is listed on the bail paperwork.”

After a brief pause she nodded lightly. “Oh. Right.” She sounded so defeated in those two words. Cooper paused before putting the car into park and turned to face the backseat again. “I didn’t mean to make you feel bad.”

“You suck, Cooper,” Zane said and sat up. Abigail also sat up, brushed her hair off of her face, crossed her arms, and stared at her feet. “I only feel bad about all the money you had to put up to get me released. When I heard the outrageous amount, I figured I’d be spending the next two weeks in jail.”

Cooper laughed as he input her address into his vehicle’s GPS navigation. “It was worth it. Besides, you already promised to show up for court.”

“Yes. I did.”

He told them to buckle up, put the car in drive, and headed for her address. Cooper wanted to see where she lived. He was also anxious to see how she felt about her place. He figured he’d get a better sense of who she was and what she was capable of when he saw where she lived. He was doing his best not to think with the head in his pants. If left up to his cock, her intentions and history wouldn’t even matter.