All through her adult life, she’d never spent much time thinking about romance or boyfriends. She’d been too busy building her career. Now that her career may have come to an abrupt end, her libido battled its way to the forefront to be heard.

Waking early this morning in jail had been a hard lesson in mortal dread. The moment her eyes opened and she saw the bars, her stomach hitched, remembering where she was. The sweat pants and shirt she wore reminded her she wasn’t at home.

In the dark of her cell, she changed back into the clothing she’d carefully selected yesterday morning. Abby then sat back down on the cot and waited with further dread, trying her best not to lose the contents of her unsettled, empty belly.

As she got a limited control of herself, memories of the day before poured into her sleep-deprived mind. When Zane had whispered that he wanted to share her with Cooper, juice had flooded her pussy so hard and fast she’d almost collapsed.

She’d pressed her knees together when he licked her earlobe and tugged it between his teeth, right before he’d retreated. The last look in his eyes had left little to the imagination. He did want her. And the idea of sharing herself with Zane and Cooper lived in her dreams all night long.

Most surprisingly to her was that she was interested in both of them. Seated between the two of them before Zane had gotten kicked out had been an endurance test to keep her hands to herself. Zane kissing her had been exactly what she wanted. Laying a lip-lock on Cooper had been equally satisfying. She’d initiated it because she’d been afraid he wouldn’t. If she’d had to choose between them, it would be impossible. So she told him she chose them both. Wanted them both.

Perhaps she’d just been dreading the night alone. Perhaps she just wanted to latch onto something so farfetched it would be easier to focus on being shared by two hot men rather than the reality of her immediate future locked up alone in a jail cell all night. Even with Cooper’s assurances, she was still frightened about facing a judge tomorrow. Everyone knew the only judge in town was best friends with the owner of the bank.

“Are you awake in there?” a voice called out, startling her from her discomforting reverie.

Abby stood up from the cot, pushing the scratchy blanket she’d used on the end of the bed. “More or less.”

Sheriff Stanton entered looking well rested. His uniform was starched and pressed perfectly. He was a very attractive man, but Abby didn’t seem to have the same feelings for him that she did for Cooper and Zane. “We aren’t leaving for another hour or so. I’m headed for the diner to get some breakfast. What would you like?”


“Is that it? How about some toast or a bagel or something?”

She shrugged. “Whatever.”

A while later when he brought her the coffee and a toasted bagel, he said, “For what it’s worth, Cooper and Zane are two good men to have on your side. And I told them to meet us in Miser later this morning.”

She took a sip of her coffee, and then said, “I’m grateful but certainly very worried about what will happen.”

“Off the record, I think the charges against you are at best foolish and at worst trumped up, but unfortunately I’m not allowed to have an opinion in the matter.”

“I’m grateful for your silent support.”

Abby didn’t converse with anyone else until they drove her to Miser in the back of a patrol car. Hugely embarrassing, but what could she do. Sheriff Stanton made innocuous small talk all the way there, then transferred her to the local sheriff at the courthouse. His last look seemed like he tried to be comforting, and Abby appreciated it.

She was put in a small room with two other women as she just wished for this ordeal to end.

Less than an hour later, the three of them were led into the court room and seated along the side wall on a bench. There was a partial wall shielding the nearest corner of the room from her view. Unless she stood on the bench she wouldn’t be able to see. And it was likely a bad idea to stand out right now.

Abby searched the part of the room she could see for the two men she’d been thinking about nonstop since last night. Dishearteningly, she didn’t see anyone she recognized. Not even anyone from the bank. Not that she expected to. They likely didn’t care. She was more worried about not seeing Cooper or Zane. Maybe she was on her own after all. Maybe they’d thought better about her warning for Zane being involved.