He rarely worried about any kind of permanent future with the women they spent time with in the sack. And to be truthful, neither did Cooper.

Having lived through a similarly devastating past love life, Cooper figured it was likely why their current bachelor ménage lifestyle suited them so well. The unspoken agenda between them was understood. They never considered a future with any of the women they entertained. They also never involved themselves with women who didn’t understand their primary goal of only short-term relationships.

But Zane was forever fascinated with beautiful women. And most especially ones that didn’t know anything about their lifestyle. Like a moth drawn to a flame, Zane was ever intrigued by the possibility of teaching women what he liked.

Cooper procured a shot glass, put it on the bar, and had it filled with whiskey before Zane reached the counter.

“Thanks.” Zane downed the shot in one gulp and motioned for another.

He filled the glass generously a second time. Zane downed half of the shot as quickly as the first one.

“Should I just leave the bottle?”

Zane’s eyebrows went up briefly. “Maybe.”

“Who is she?”


“You don’t get this forlorn, or potentially drunk, unless an interesting woman—not currently aware of our ménage lifestyle—is involved.”

“Not true.”

“Totally true.” Cooper pointed to his chest. “This is me, remember? I know you. And you don’t act like this unless a beautiful woman is clouding your mind with vivid and impure thoughts of all the decadent delights you’d love to initiate her into that she’s probably never heard of before.”

Zane downed the rest of his second shot and shook his head. “Doesn’t make it true right now.”

“Maybe not.” Cooper grinned. “But Hunter was in the crowd at the jailhouse. He already gave me the scoop on the kiss you shared with a beautiful female stranger in town. So how was it? Must have been something to get you riled enough for more than one shot of whiskey.”

Zane grabbed the bottle and poured himself a third shot that could truly be called a generous double. “Did he mention that she got arrested?” He downed the third shot, hissed between his teeth, and set the shot glass back on the wooden surface.

Cooper frowned. Obviously, the rest of the intriguing tale hadn’t been imparted to him. “Nope, he must have missed that part. What’s the story?”

His friend grabbed the bottle again. Cooper stopped him. “If you’re going to pour and drink a fourth shot of whiskey, I feel the need to ask what the fuck is going on. It makes me think it’s something more than simply a kiss with a stranger and her subsequent arrest. Spill it already before you’re unable to slur your words together to tell me.”

Zane gave him a dirty look momentarily, but then put the bottle down, although his fingers remained clamped to the label. “She got arrested for grand theft auto. I don’t know the story or how she ended up here. I might be afraid to find out. And although I’d love nothing better than to get to know her based on a single kiss, I’m not sure if I should pursue her at this time.”

Cooper tried to calm his friend down with a smile. “Wow. I’ve never seen you so taken aback by just a kiss. So who is she again?”

Zane pushed the bottle toward Cooper and toyed with his empty shot glass as if he needed something to occupy his hands. “I don’t know who she is. Her name is Abigail Dixon. She grabbed me, literally, on the street, spun me around, called me a bunch of names, and proceeded to try to drag me to the local police station for my supposed crimes.”

“What crimes?”

“Hell if I know. But she drew a crowd. They all thought it was part of the show. I knew it wasn’t but made it look like that to diffuse the situation.”

“And also because you thought she was hot and you had all those impure thoughts about what would happen when she discovered our lifestyle, and then wanted to see her locked up, tied down, and under your control.”

Zane grinned for the first time since sitting down, which could have been from the whiskey. “Fuckin’ A, I did. She’s something. I wouldn’t say no to a future relationship with her. And I definitely don’t trust myself around her.”