Cooper came out of the bedroom as she completed the last ten seconds. “I’m surprised you can even move after last night.”

Abby finished her dance, ran toward him, and leapt into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. She told him her news, and they kissed for quite awhile before he was willing to release her.

“Tell you what. I’ll go make you some coffee, so you’re awake when you drive there.” He put her down and headed toward the kitchen.

Once in the bedroom, she jumped on the bed and told Zane the good news. He was happy for her, but when he kissed her in congratulations, several seconds later, they were rolling around on the bed, kissing and touching.

She stopped them. “I have to go.”

“How about a quickie? I’ll be fast I promise. In and out, you’ll barely know I was there.”

“You’re hung like a bear, Zane. Trust me, I’ll know you’re there.” She laughed but felt the sudden urgency to get going. “Tell you what, I’ll owe you one, okay?”

Zane, seeming to sense her rush, said, “Yes. And I’m very proud of you. So I’ll let you go out and conquer the world, just be careful while out in the cold, cruel world, and promise come back to us as soon as possible.”

“I promise.” She scooted off the bed and headed for the shower.

Two hours and forty five minutes later, Abby strolled into Jack’s office a few minutes early. They left immediately for the bank.

Once inside her work place, Abby could tell that something was very different, even though the customer areas of the bank were operating like it was business as usual. However, once they stepped inside Mr. Stevenson’s private office, things were decidedly different. Several people she’d never seen before were searching through records, both paper and on various computers around the room.

A tall, attractive, blond man in an expensive business suit approached them, and Jack introduced her to Garrett Campbell. Abby was relieved to discover he was not a troll.

He said, “Jack tells me very good things about you Ms. Dixon, but in fact your record speaks for itself at his bank. You were the only loan officer with a realistic debt ratio in your overall loan application portfolio. I was also sorry to learn that you were mistreated here. I wanted you to hear from me personally, my promise not to make the same mistake.”

“Thank you. I appreciate your confidence in me.”

“Plus, Zane and Cooper told me I’d be an idiot not to hire you. I know they are likely prejudiced, but they also wouldn’t steer me wrong. So what do you say we get started?”

“Absolutely.” Abby spent the rest of the day working with Garrett. He listened to her recommendations. He lauded her knowledge, and for the first time in her history with the First National Savings and Loan of Miser, she felt worthy to be an employee.

Garrett had to practically kick her out of the bank building at the end of the day. Abby was having so much fun working, she would have gleefully spent the night.

She arrived at her temporary home at a hotel catering to extended-stay visitors to find Zane and Cooper waiting for her.

“How long have you been here?”

“Not long.”

She crossed her arms. “Did you call Garrett and tell him to send me home?”

Zane grinned. “Would we do that to you?”

“Probably.” She grinned back at him. “But I’m happy to see you.”

“Good, because you still owe me that quickie. Are you tired?”

“Yes. But it’s a good tired.” They went inside her modest place and snuggled together on her sofa. She told them about her day and how it was the best one ever. Also she told them that once the Miser bank was restaffed in a month or so, Garrett planned to move her to the new bank opening in Enclave.

“Good. Then you’ll be able to move back in with us.” Cooper asked, “Right?”

“Right.” Abby pictured it. And she couldn’t wait.

Zane grabbed her hand and entwined their fingers together. “One other matter we need to discuss before you move back in.”

“What’s that? The quickie?”

“No…although I haven’t forgotten about that. The thing is we want you to marry us.”