The first hint of ill ease at his seemingly innocent attitude over her accusations about him being a thief and a con artist made her reconsider. What if he hadn’t ruined her life? What if he’d also been used? But she’d been so sure. Or had she only been sure because she didn’t have any other leads to follow, and she’d simply let her rage steer her?

Hadn’t she truly just reacted to what had happened and then jumped into her car to make someone, or really anyone, pay for her difficulties? She pushed out a sigh. Likely she deserved worse for her recent actions.

That was a very bitter pill to swallow.

She glanced down at the handcuffs. Ultimately, she didn’t want to be locked up, not for any reason. The very idea petrified her. Even though she knew this was all a joke, she’d been terrified of ending up in prison as her hard-earned life had crumbled around her in only a couple of hours. As loathe as she was to give into his demands, she wanted out of this jail cell more.

“Fine. I choose the kiss.” Her libido stood up again and cheered.

The crowd erupted in applause and loud shouts. Zane’s eyes narrowed. Suddenly, he didn’t look as happy as he had earlier. In fact, he looked down right angry. He swung the cell door open as much as the exuberant crowd would allow. Three hard or possibly angry steps that he took into the cell made her wary of his new intent. He didn’t even look like he wanted the kiss. Why was that?

“There is something else I want,” he whispered. The crowd likely couldn’t hear him over their cheering.

“What’s that?” She hadn’t meant to sound so cranky. She was actually softening, but that sentiment likely didn’t come through in her belligerent tone.

“Take back what you said about me.”

She was sincerely confused. “What do you mean?”

“The things you said about me are not true. I’d like for you to take them back.”

She slammed her lips shut, unwilling to let that go just yet. “They were only words. Your life was not ruined as a result of what I said.”

“Well, not yet.” His gaze intensified if that was even possible. “Does that mean I shouldn’t expect an apology either?”

Her eyes widened. She had to close mouth to keep from saying anything to make matters worse.

“I’ll take your defiant silence as a yes. Ever heard of the word slander?”

Her anger returned. “It’s not slander if it’s true.”

He grunted and turned away. “Maybe a kiss isn’t going to solve our differences after all.”

“Wait.” She stepped forward, closing the distance between them again. She inhaled a deep breath and slowly let it out. “I am very sorry that you’re angry about what I said earlier.”

He studied her for a moment before he laughed out loud. “Are you a lawyer or something? That sounds like a lawyer answer. Not taking responsibility, but instead just saying you’re sorry that I’m angry.”

“I’m not a lawyer. I used to work at a bank. That all changed this morning.” Before she could say more, the crowd outside the jail cell got impatient.

“Where’s the kiss?” one unseen woman called out. “We want to see a kiss.” The crowd joined in and “We want the kiss. We want the kiss” fairly reverberated from the walls and ceiling of the jail cell.

“Looks like we’re stuck. Maybe neither of us will get what we want.” But he scanned her from shoulders to knees once more as if perhaps what he wanted was her body. If things were different, she’d let him have it, gleefully.

Abby took the occasion to scan his body as well. He was lusciously attractive. She hated to admit that she was very aroused by his mere presence. “Perhaps not,” she said, but was warming to the idea of his kiss.

Zane glanced over his shoulder at the enthusiastic crowd before he turned to her and said, “Guess we’d better get to it then.”

“Fine.” She nodded. He stepped into her personal space. His handsome face dipped closer to hers. Abby tilted her head back, closed her eyes, and waited. But nothing happened.

She opened her eyes again. “What are you waiting for?” she whispered.