She smelled great. Like fresh washed sheets, summer mornings, and sex. Really great sex.

Zane registered that his arm encircled her lushly stunning body. His cock was doing its level best to rise to the occasion, but Zane quelled his lust. He needed to stay focused.

Get her off the streets. Find a way to diminish the crowd, and then when they were alone, ask her what the hell was going on and why she’d accused him of being a scumbag, criminal thief.

Usually a man of few words, Zane had quite a few for this lovely woman walking alongside him. But he’d reserve them for when they were all alone.

The crowd, still following closely behind them, shouted out several taunts as they walked along, most of which centered around her punishment and what it would entail.

Thinking of punishing her brought to mind a whole host of other more primitive sexual images. Her tied up and ready to submit to his will.

No. Better yet, her tied up and blindfolded and ready to submit to his will while his very best friend, Cooper Mackay, watched them.

No. Best vision yet, would be her tied up and blindfolded as he spanked her fine ass and fucked her sweet pussy, while Cooper watched him do it and eventually joined him to share her. Zane’s cock thickened beneath his well-worn denim fly. He needed a glass of ice water to dump over his head to stop the unlikely fantasies swirling in his brain.

Zane mentally shook off the very sexy idea of getting her into bed anytime soon. He glanced at her tight features as they moved along. Intriguing, yes. Likely to submit to his sexual whims, not a chance in hell.

He hadn’t said a word to her since they started walking. The minute he helped her step up on to the wooden sidewalk in front of the door to the jailhouse, she leaned in and whispered, “I haven’t forgotten what you did. And this isn’t over.”

“Finally something we agree on,” Zane said with amusement, then added, “I also believe this has only just begun.”

Chapter Two

Abby didn’t struggle as he pushed her though the door and into the rustic room. The jailhouse looked like a movie set for an old western. Once inside the crowd followed behind.

There was a man dressed as an old-timey sheriff seated at the desk to their right as they got further inside. “Help me,” she said to him. “Please help me.”

“What did she do?” the seemingly bored sheriff asked Zane as she was shoved past his equally old-fashioned desk.

Zane turned his head. “She called me a bunch of names.”

“Did you try telling her, ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones’—”

“No.” Zane hadn’t stopped pushing her towards an open doorway above which another sign said Jail Cells. The sheriff’s deep laughter added to the amusement of the crowd following them. They all thought this was entertainment.

“You can’t do this,” she said again, but the conviction in her tone wasn’t strong enough to overcome the noise of the gathered group of revelers behind them. She should play along, but found she lacked the good humor to be believable.

He led her gently into a cell, guided her inside, and released her. She missed the warmth of his body. Blocking the door with his muscular frame, he said with a smile, “Are you ready to say you’re sorry for all the mean things you said about me?”

“No. Because they’re all true.” She was just being petulant. Her plans had gone completely awry, it wasn’t fair, and she didn’t want to play his amusement-park game. She didn’t care who was watching. Well, not much anyway.

He took a step back and closed the door halfway. “Then I guess you’ll have to pay a fine if you want to get out.”

Zane turned and called out over one shoulder, asking the assembled crowd, “How much do you all think the fine should be for her release?”

Several sums of money from two bits to a million dollars were shouted out from various revelers in the assembled group.

Abby rolled her eyes. A million dollars, really?

“How about a kiss?” a woman nearest the cell door called out. “She has to give you one really great kiss, Deputy Zane, or she stays locked up. How about that?”

Zane turned to her, his eyebrows lifted in question. He didn’t seem to be appalled by the woman’s suggestion.