“You’d be surprised.”

The outer door opened and Zane ducked inside like someone chased him. The dour expression on his face signaled a problem. “Did Kendall call the house?” he asked, looking over his shoulder as if he expected the boogie man to jump out any second.

“No. Why?”

“I just saw Logan. Apparently, Kendall mentioned that someone was looking for me. Both at the gate to Old West Town and also at the compound gate. What do you think this mysterious person wants?”

Cooper shrugged. “Can’t say.”

All of a sudden a phone rang in the house, and a disembodied, robotic, female voice said, “Call from Kendall. Call from Kendall.”

Chapter Ten

Zane had a very bad feeling about the call he’d just predicted. He grabbed the wireless phone from its perch on the kitchen wall and said more calmly than he felt, “What’s up, Kendall?”

“Duke’s looking for you,” he said nonchalantly.

Shit, that can’t be good. “Why is he looking for me?”

There was a long pause. All manner of thoughts filled Zane’s head. And the longer Kendall went without talking, the more acid roiled in his belly.

“All I know for certain is that he wanted to discuss something with you. Could have been official or not, or it could have been about the unseasonably warm weather we’re having. He didn’t share any details with me. He asked me to call you and let you know. He’d like for you to contact him at your earliest convenience.”

“Okay. Thanks.” This really cannot be good. He hung up the phone and glanced over at the breakfast bar. Cooper made him a plate of food and pointed to it as he set it down on the counter in his usual place.

He nodded and cast his gaze at Abigail without seeing her. As various scenarios of being sent to prison for a fraudulent bank loan he knew nothing about danced through his head, Zane then focused in on and studied Abigail. She sipped coffee and occasionally munched on a dwindling crisp piece of bacon. If he kissed her right now, he expected she’d taste like salty, bacon-flavored coffee and sweet, sexy woman.

She looked over one shoulder and caught his eye. “Do you think the sheriff is here to arrest you this time?”

“The idea has certainly crossed my mind.” Zane walked over to the kitchen island and seated himself next to her.

Before taking a bite of food or a sip of coffee, he hooked a hand around Abigail’s neck, leaned closer as she turned her head, and kissed her soft mouth. Smiling to himself that she tasted exactly as he expected, Zane kissed her once more before releasing her. He turned to his plate of food, grateful that he didn’t have to cook this morning.

Meanwhile, Abigail sighed. “I’m sorry to have involved you in this.”

“Not your fault.”

“How do you figure? I hunted you down. Called you out. Made a spectacle.”

“But if my name is on that loan paperwork at your bank, then someone has used my name without my permission. And it was only a matter of time before someone called me.”

“You don’t sound too worried.”

Zane grinned. “I didn’t do anything illegal, Abigail. I didn’t sign the paperwork. I didn’t receive any loan money. No one can prove that I did.” He shrugged and dug into his food.

“Well, I also didn’t sign the paperwork or receive any money, but I’m currently out of my job and my home.”

Zane looked into her eyes and a smile curved a corner of his mouth. “Point taken. Truthfully, though I should thank you for the heads-up.”

“You’re so welcome,” she said with obvious sarcasm in her tone. But her next question was serious. “What are you going to do next?”

He took a large sip of the hot coffee Cooper had handed him and said, “I’m going to finish eating breakfast. Then I’m going to lure you into my shower with the promise of a massage so that I can do wild, wicked things to you, then I’ll go see what Duke wants.”

“What if he arrests you?”

Cooper answered. “Then his lawyer will immediately get him bailed out. Oh and his lawyer will also be helping him do wild, wicked things to you in the shower. Just so you’re prepared.”