The pavers beneath the knees of her jeans chilled her to the bone, but she ignored it. She covered her eyes and wept. But not for long.

Zane hunkered down next to her, kissed her forehead, and whispered something she didn’t hear, but his tone sounded soothing. He then lifted her up into his arms and carried her toward the front door of his palace. She wanted to fight him but lacked the conviction and the strength. Besides she was crying too hard. Behind him with a serious stride came Cooper. He carried her bags.

In truth, she was frightened. She was terrified that while she truly wanted what they were offering, that it was simply too good to be true. She never believed in things that were too good to be true. Somehow, someway, she’d have to pay something dear for entering into their lives.

When had she ever accepted a deal that was too good to be true? Never.

Abby knew exactly how life worked. At least she understood how her life worked. If she managed to stay out of jail with the impending trial, she’d spend the rest of her days having to claw and scratch her way to a modest living.

Eyes closed as they crossed the threshold, not wanting to see the rich, perfect place they were offering her as a temporary reprieve, Abby tightened her grip around Zane’s neck. She buried her face at his throat, unwilling to look around, and cried even harder.

Perhaps if she didn’t look, then when it was all suddenly snatched away from her, it wouldn’t hurt as badly.

She heard another door open. Abby mashed her eyes shut even harder. Tears fell onto Zane’s collar. He soon placed her on the soft surface of a bed and released her. She kept her eyes shut, then added the cover of her hands. She was like a petulant two-year-old, escaping the dire folly of having to eat green vegetables by pretending that she couldn’t see them.

In this case, if she didn’t look at the perfect place to live with the two perfect men, then she couldn’t be disappointed when she’d eventually have to leave because she’d worn out her welcome. Or they got tired of her. Or whatever other horrifying thing was going to happen next to ruin her already-devastated life.

“You don’t have to look, but this is your room as long as you want it. There is an en suite bathroom, as well.”

Abby covered her eyes with both palms. “You think I’m completely daft, don’t you?”

“No. I think you had a very rough day starting out. I was hoping that Cooper and I made your afternoon a little better, but that’s neither here nor there. A disruption at work and having to move are two big life changing events. It’s natural to feel out of sorts. Personally, I think you need to get some sleep. You’ll feel better when you get some rest.”

“Are you disappointed?” She pulled her hands away and looked into Zane’s eyes. She searched for pity, but only saw simmering lust. Interesting.

“No. Never.” He pressed forward and kissed her lips with a gentle pressure. It was exactly what she needed.

She covered her eyes again and felt his lips on the outside of her fingers. He whispered, “Get some sleep, Abigail. We can chat more tomorrow, okay?”

Without removing her hands, she nodded and a muffled, “Okay,” came through her fingers.

Cooper added, “Your bag is over here by the dresser. We’ll see you in the morning.”

Zane kissed her fingers again. “Everything will work out. Don’t worry, Abigail. You’re safe here, I promise.”

And with that, they left her all alone.

Hands still in place, Abby cried herself to sleep. The next time she opened her eyes, the room was dark, and she was still in the clothing she’d come here in. The clock on the nightstand said 2:42 a.m. She stumbled to the bathroom and managed to take care of business without turning on any lights.

Back in the bedroom, she felt her way to the bed again, stripped down to her bra and panties before slipping beneath the ultrasoft sheets. The warmth from her own body still warmed the bed from before she sought the bathroom. She inhaled the fresh scent of clean soft sheets and allowed herself the comfort of burrowing deeper inside. She needed this rest. Tomorrow was soon enough to face the unjust world.

When the first ray of sunshine came into the room, Abby opened her eyes and sat up. A flood of memories from the last two days rushed into slap her with this new reality. She was nearly jobless, and definitely homeless.