She turned to Zane and said, “Come here, right now.”

Hand still pumping his own cock, Zane stood up and approached the bed. As she moved on Cooper, Abby grabbed Zane’s dick and shoved the velvet smoothness of him between her greedy lips. She sucked hard. Zane grabbed the back of her head and slowly fucked her mouth. Beneath her, Cooper drilled his cock upward hard and fast within her pussy.

Cooper thrust one last time and groaned. In the next second, Zane sped the movements of his hips pushing his cock harder inside her mouth. She heard him growl as hot, salty fluid coated her throat. She swallowed hard and kept sucking.

Zane only lasted a few more seconds before he backed away and fell into the chair. Cooper stopped moving, but his panting continued for several more minutes.

She disengaged from Cooper and rolled onto her back.

Abby was spent. Done. Unable to move another muscle. “You two are exhausting.”

“But you love it, right?” Zane asked.

“Right. I truly love it.” Abby closed her eyes. And I love you both for today. She wanted to sleep for a month.

The doorbell rang suddenly. She lifted her head, but the weight was too much. She ignored the sound, dropping her head back on her soft pillow, and deciding very quickly that she didn’t want to talk to anyone right now.

After several seconds, it rang again. And again.

By the time she angrily got up, whipped on her robe, and headed for the door with sluggish footsteps, the unwanted visitor was holding the bell down and the endless ensuing ding dong, ding dong, ding dong was making her a bit deranged.

She looked through the peephole to discover who this asshole was. The person wore a grimace and looked angrier than she was.

Damn it. What did he want?

Chapter Nine

Cooper was flat on his back amidst the tumble of sheets, with the luscious scent of sex in the air around him and unable to move. Well, he could move, but he didn’t want to. Zane was sprawled against the side chair in a similar lethargic state as they listened for whoever the annoying bastard was laying hard on Abigail’s doorbell.

When the irate sound of an unfamiliar man’s voice carried into the bedroom, both he and Zane found the wherewithal to move. They both dressed quickly as the ensuing conversation escalated from disagreeable to downright belligerent.

Starting with the male stranger saying, “The rent is due tomorrow,” and continuing with Abigail’s response, “Why are you here today then?” the rest of the discussion went downhill quickly.

Zane whispered, “Go out there and be her lawyer.”

He pushed out a long breath, and then walked down the short hallway. The front door hid the identity of Abigail’s irate landlord. Cooper ensured his shirt was tucked in when he joined her at the door.

“Everything okay here?” he asked. The landlord frowned. He wore sunglasses that shielded his eyes, but Cooper could tell that the old man looked at Abigail’s robe before the frown deepened.

“What’s it to you?”

“I’m a lawyer. You’ve been rather nasty in demanding rent that isn’t due until tomorrow. What is the problem and why are you here?”

The old coot turned to Abigail and frowned. “After you pay me what you owe for this month, I want you out.”

Abigail sucked in a deep breath. “What? You want me out? But why?”

“Don’t need to give a reason. You have your things out by the end of the week.”

Cooper crossed his arms and went into lawyer mode. “That’s not quite correct. You have to give her thirty days. And as a matter of fact, you do have to give a reason.”

The old man turned toward Cooper, but his frown remained tightly in place. “Says who?”

“Says the law.”

“What are you, a cop or something?”

“No. As I said before, I’m a lawyer.”

The old geezer heaved a deep sigh and then started a nasty fit of coughing. Cooper could smell stale cigarette smoke emanating from his clothing even four feet away.

After a few moments of hacking into a white handkerchief, the landlord finally got a hold of himself. “The rental agreement is over.”

Abigail frowned. “But the agreement automatically goes to a month-to-month lease after the initial annual period has been fulfilled. I’ve never been late with my rent. Not in a whole year.”