She drilled a gaze deeply into his beautiful, surprised, and very puzzled eyes. “Excuse me, ma’am,” he said quietly. “I believe you have me confused with someone else. I don’t know you. I don’t believe I did anything to you.”

But then his expression shifted to glance down her body as if perhaps he was open to suggestions about what he could do to her. “At least not yet.” She heard the additional words spoken low, nearly under his breath. Her libido sent a message to her pussy to get ready for some action. Her libido was about to be disappointed.

Abby clamped down on the lustful thoughts, slammed the door shut on any interest, and frowned quickly at his insinuation.

The star he wore on his chest signifying he was a deputy in this authentically recreated Old West Town didn’t impress her. He was a fake lawman here, and a real con artist out in the world. She took issue with the latter and the former only made her angrier.

“You’re Zane Washburn. You pretend to be a deputy in this amusement park day to day. You live in a private compound five miles away. You stole money, and ruined my life, but now I’ve found you, and caught you. I intend to see that you pay for your crimes.”

He stared at her with increasing interest. She expected a sudden remorseful and guilt-filled expression, but got incredulous instead.

“I don’t know what in the world you are talking about, ma’am. Please stop saying these bad things about me out loud.” He glanced around at the growing crowd forming around the two of them.

Abby grabbed his wrist in one hand, but her fingers wouldn’t go all the way around. She wrapped her other hand around his arm, too. Then she tugged. He didn’t budge. “I’m not saying bad things about you. Everything I said was the truth. You, sir are a no-good, lying, cheating, thief, and I intend to see you imprisoned.” She yanked on his arm again. The gathering crowd suddenly doubled and then tripled in size all around them, watching with amusement as if this was a show for their entertainment.

He looked down at her hands wrapped around his wrist. “Where do you intend for us to go?”

“To the Enclave Sheriff’s Department, of course.” She tugged on his wrist again. He didn’t move. His expression had turned dark.

“You’re making a big mistake,” he said in a low, tight voice. His gaze scanned down her body once more, only this time he did it in a more leisurely fashion.

She couldn’t tell if his irate tone was because he was angry or if he might be interested. Her libido tried to insert an opinion, but Abby slammed it down again, ignoring her growing appreciation for his attractiveness.

“No. I’m not.” She faltered a bit and tried very hard to believe what she’d said as she stared into his handsome face. His reaction was not at all what she expected. She’d hoped to see a glimpse of guilt or regret.

Suspicion and lust seemed to be the only two expressions he possessed. She tried not to be interested in either, but her resolve was fading. He hadn’t responded to her accusations as she expected. He hadn’t broken down and confessed. A frustrated sigh washed down her insides. Why had she expected him to?

She’d been called naïve before. Along with a whole host of other negative terms that were whispered behind her back during the time she’d been working very hard, putting herself through school and building her career.

In this unexpectedly poignant moment, she realized those smug, superior voices may have been right about her gullibility. Just because she would react in a certain way often didn’t mean others in the same situation did the same thing.

Abby had jumped before fully exploring the consequences of her actions. While it wasn’t the first time, she suddenly worried that this time might have been one time too many.

“What do you think you’re doing?” He glanced at his wrist again with sardonic amusement, pulled his arm back, and took her a little off balance. She stumbled closer. The scent of him swirled around her head. He smelled incredibly good.

“Like I said before, I’m taking you to the authorities.” She tugged harder, but didn’t move his arm a single bit. She continued on with her faulty initial plan, even as she saw it crumbling before her eyes.