"An excellent suggestion, Pelagios," she agrees, her eyes alight with excitement. “I have no other chores whilst father and brother are away at sea.”
I hold back the smile lest she think I have ulterior motives. By proposing a night under the stars at the orchard, I hope to spend more time with her alone.
"Here," Calliope motions to a tranquil spot beneath an ancient, gnarled tree, spreading her soft stola on the ground under its wide canopy of leaves. "This shall be our shelter for the night."
"A beautiful choice," I agree, settling beside her on the stola. As we feast upon harvest, I am struck by the simple beauty of this moment – the sun-dappled orchard, the heady scent of blossoms, and most of all, Calliope’s presence at my side.
"Calliope," I begin, lost in the depths of her radiant eyes, "I must confess that this time spent with you has filled me with a joy I never dared hope for."
"Nor I," she admits, her cheeks flush a rosy hue. "I never imagined that our day together would lead to such sincere wonderment."
Under the vast canopy of the starry night, the celestial bodies shimmer between the leaves like gems sewn on a tapestry of violet and green.
Calliope and I recline upon our makeshift bed, gazing upward at the infinite heavens above us. Her soft hand finds mine, our fingers entwining as we share our dreams and deepest desires.
"Tell me, Pelagios," she whispers, her breath warm against my cheek, "what is it you truly yearn for?"
"Before this moment," I reply, my heart quickening in her presence, "I would have spoken of vengeance, of retribution to those who have wronged me. Yet now... Now all I desire is to remain here with you, basking in the love that has arisen between us."
A tender smile graces her lips, and she draws closer until our hearts beat in unison, our breaths mingling within the cool evening air.
“Pelagios,” her eyelashes flutter, and then she turns her head away at the last moment. “I’ve never…” she chokes on her words.
I understand. “I haven’t either,” I admit.
“Truly?” she gasps, eyes widening, turning to face me. “You’re a worldly man. How haven’t you?”
“I never met a woman like you, I suppose,” I tell her, gazing right into her beautiful, gentle being. She blushes and shifts closer, hinting she’s willing to go over the edge together.
My hands shake and skin feels too tight like it’s waiting to be shed. Slowly, with trembling fingers, I reach over and place my thumb and forefinger over her chin, drawing her closer.
Her red, sweet lips part with anticipation, and I lean in, my heartbeat thundering in my ears, as I capture her lips in a tender kiss.
FComets collide behind my closed eyelids, the universe collapsing into this single moment of pure connection. Calliope responds eagerly, her hands finding their way to my hair, pulling me closer as if to prove that I am flesh and blood and not a specter.
“Pelagios,” she whispers, taking my hand and placing it on her waist. Her soft, dainty waist. Without a second thought, I move over her, placing one knee at each side of her. I slide one hand up the ruffles of her dress, slowly reaching up for her stockings.
All the while, my eyes are drawn to her moonlit, heaving breasts spilling out against her corset. The sight of this sheer feminine beauty brings my cock to life.
Gently, I slide my fingers through the waist of her stockings, caressing the bare skin of her waist.
She gasps, and thunder rolls through me as if the entire world, with all its fury and beauty, comes to life within me. I’ve never felt like the ocean before, but today, I do. I go with the tides and peel away her stockings, each second spilling more skin into my grasp.
I feel centuries of longing being released in this moment with Calliope, each touch igniting a flame that consumes us both. With a hunger that surpasses all reason, I try to curb my appetite. I’ve heard what a union is to a woman, and I wish to cause her no harm.
“Part for me, Calliope,” I ask, my voice sounding like another’s. She parts her shaky legs for me. Gently, I part her lips below, and she breathes in sharply as the cool air strokes her there. I slide one finger into her warmth, slowly testing her readiness.
Once her womanhood is drenched like the ocean, and only then do I inch myself into her. My cock takes on a desire of its own as it inches longer, forcing her to widen to my length. She moans and arches her back. I try to be gentle, the slick warmth of her wetting my balls.
“Oh, Pelagios,” she murmurs, throwing back her head. This is the first time I’ve joined in such a union with a woman of this nature, and I’ve never felt such pure pleasure.
Like the waning tide, I explore the contours of Calliope’s form, mapping every rise and fall with the reverence of a cartographer discovering uncharted lands. Her skin, her womanhood, is a canvas waiting for my touch, and I paint upon it with the brush of adoration.
I take her flesh, and she claims mine, our souls entwining beneath the watchful gaze of the stars as all before this moment fades into insignificance, and we both feel like we finally understand what true pleasure is.
As night falls, we seek solace in sleep, side by side. But even in slumber, there is no respite from what I’ve done.
"Who dares to steal from the gods?" a thunderous voice booms through my dreams, shaking the foundations of my subconscious.