His lips peel back again in a dark grin. “Mine.” A long, forked tongue slips from between his jagged teeth to lick along the side of my neck. He inhales again, sharply like he’s drawing my scent deep into his lungs, and he repeats in a growl. “Mine…”

He rocks his hips forward a second time, rubbing the length of his hard cock against my sweatpants and panties, massaging my clit beneath them.

And fuck… I like it.

I want more.

His eyes widen lasciviously, as if he can tell where my thoughts are going. “Give me mine,” he growls.

“Puck…” Phineas warns. “She doesn’t have to do anything she doesn’t want?—”

The Hyde snarls at him, both eyes snapping up to Phineas. “Wants us like this.”

Both Zeb and Phineas look at me. “Is that true?” Zeb asks.

Another growl comes from Puck. His grip releases my wrists, but only so he can yank one of my hands down and shove it into his pants.

My fingers wrap around his cock.

His ridged, curved, entirely-too-strange-to-be-human… cock.

My pussy throbs, and I know I’m wet as hell all over again. Creepy is practically throwing a party inside me, desperate to come out and play with the hot, psychotic Hyde who clearly wants to fuck us.

Gods help me, I’m pretty sure I’m on board with that too.

Creepy cheers inside my head. I’m the one in control of our body right now, so I can go first. But after I get fucked by all the guys’ deranged, sexy Hydes, it’s going to be her turn to play.

A breath leaves me at her proposal. All hell’s going to break loose if that happens, but I also know it’s that or she tries to take control right now.

Gods, I hope these guys have good insurance.

Grinning like he can see where my thoughts are going, Puck holds my wrist tightly and strokes my hand up and down his ridged cock. “Give this to you. Make you get all creamy and wet around me until you scream.”

A growl leaves Phineas, a shudder rolling through him, and he turns away like he’s fighting to retain control.

“Mabel?” Urgency fills Zeb’s voice.

I swallow hard, and it takes me a moment before I can find my voice. “It’s okay.” I nod and admit the truth. “I want all of you like this too.”

Phineas turns sharply, stalking a few steps closer with his eyes trained on me. I can see wildness to his gaze, hinting his Hyde is close to the surface even if it hasn’t broken through yet. “You need to know.” His voice is deeper with the rumble of a growl. “The Hydes… they may do or say things that seem a bit strange.”

I tense. “Strange?”

“Such as wanting to breed you.”

Well, if that’s not a bucket of cold water on the situation.

Puck snarls at Phineas like he’s mad the Jekyll brought it up. “My Mabel.”

I ignore that as my heart races and my mind does too. “Well, I-I’m on birth control, so…” Shit, I don’t know what to say.

Phineas just nods. “Good girl. Anything that happens will always be your choice. And if our Hydes don’t agree with that—” He flashes me a grin. “Punch Beastly on his nose. It should startle him, and I’ll come back.”

Puck growls like he doesn’t like the idea of any of us being interrupted.

“You show her respect, Puck,” Phineas replies sharply.

The Hyde gives him a surly look. “Always respect.” He turns back to me, muttering, “Growly Jekyll’s no fun.”