My eyes dart to him. I know what the answer should be. Of course not.

Except I’ve never had anything like that. I’ve been on my own since Mom and Dad died, and the closest thing I have to allies are the supernaturals who work with me in the underground, rescuing captives of traders and the like.

But my associates in the underground rarely come by, and when they do, they’re always on their way someplace else, never sticking around more than a day or so at a time.

It’s not the same.

“I need to go.” I step around Phineas and reach for the door handle.

“You also need a car,” Phineas says, putting his hand over mine.

I pull away. Dammit. “Fine.” A new thought occurs to me. “But if my friend asks, no, we did not spend the night together. Got it?”

Zeb chuckles, and Huck blinks as if in shock.

“If that’s what you wish to say,” Phineas responds evenly. “So be it.”

He opens the door and leaves the room. As they follow him, Zeb grins at me and Huck still looks taken aback by what just happened.

Gods, what have I gotten myself into?

It turns out we’re not in a hotel after all. At least, not any kind I’ve ever seen.

Beyond the bedroom, there’s a kitchen and patio and a view of the skyline that says we’re quite a few floors up. The front door opens to a hallway with carpet so thick it could be another mattress, and at the end, there’s an elevator that descends with barely even a whisper of sound to hint that it’s working at all. The polished brass door reflects us all like a mirror.

Most of us.

My eyes dart to Huck in the reflection. Maybe it’s a flaw in the metal, but he doesn’t show up the same as the others. There’s something blurry about his image. Parts of it even seem to be missing entirely.

The door whisks open before I can ask about it, and the guys move past me, heading into a parking garage that looks like it should belong to a luxury car show.

Lamborghinis. Aston Martins. Things I can’t even identify but they look expensive as hell. The guys ignore them all, striding toward a vehicle parked by the exit that looks like a sliver of midnight on wheels. Zeb opens the door with a flourish, motioning for me to climb inside, and Creepy giggles in my mind, pleased by the display.

I keep my face blank while I climb in. I realize Creepy likes them. I have to admit, if I let myself, I could too.

But this is all happening so quickly, and I have no idea what’s waiting for me back at the house.

It’s hard to relax.

The leather seat wraps around me as comfortably as an easy chair, and any residual ache from my leg or head fades entirely. I stop myself from glancing at Huck as he slides into the other back seat, and I also ignore Phineas when he gets behind the wheel.

“So what’s your address?” Zeb asks as he buckles his seat belt.

I tell him. Without a word, Phineas starts the car.

Sunlight filters past the dark smoked windows as we pull out of the parking garage and onto the road. I glance around, trying to orient myself, and I consider calling Tamira again just in case I can get more information.

But I’m not sure it would help. Whatever’s going on, there might not be anything I can do until I actually get there.

Worry tangles in my stomach. My hands knit themselves together, just to give them something to hang onto.

Zeb turns in the seat, smiling that too-damn-confident smile. “So do you work?”

I blink at him. “What?”

“A job.”

I struggle to focus for a moment. “Um, yeah. I have a job.”