The two of them are lovers. I’d bet on it. There’s a tension in the air between them, and it’s not the same as the energy between Phineas and Zeb. Those two, I’d mark as just being friends.

But gods, the way they’re each watching me…

Creepy likes it. My body likes it.

My brain is panicking.

Because I want to be thrilled I’ve met more of my kind. I do. Every lonely moment from my childhood, every minute of feeling like no one in the world could understand what I go through is pressing at me, making me want to feel overjoyed.

But then there’s reality.

And the reality is, our Hydes are insane. No one who’s met Creepy would think otherwise. And our Jekylls are… well, dammit, people with all the complications and messiness that comes with that, same as it does for any other species.

Add those together, and you’ve got a situation that’s at best unpredictable and at worst dangerous as hell.

“And you just… happened to be here?” I manage to make myself say.

Again, that glance between Zeb and Phineas while Huck watches me.

“We were tracking traders,” Phineas replies evenly.


“It’s what we do,” Zeb explains in a more friendly tone. “It’s how… Well, you probably know. Your Hyde killed the one we were after. We keep our other sides happy by letting them take out the bad guys.”

I tremble. That’s how I keep Creepy happy too. Hydes have a strong bent toward justice, even if it’s their own definition of it, based on their own rules, and doesn’t always match what would come within a thousand miles of meeting human legal approval.

“We were going to intervene when the tracker grabbed that woman, but your Hyde got there first.”

“You really should sit down,” Huck adds. His voice is gentle. Worried too. “Phineas healed the gunshot to your leg, but it’ll still take a while to fully recover.”

I don’t move.

The worry on Huck’s face deepens.

“We’re not going to hurt you,” Zeb assures me. “We, uh…” He chuckles. “We wouldn’t dream of it—unless of course you like that sort of thing.”

“Do you?” Huck adds, a note of interest tangled up in his anxious tone.

Creepy stirs inside me, intrigued, and I bash her back so hard and fast, she goes still with shock. I never shove her that hard.

Guilt flickers in me, but I can’t give in to it. Not when, of the two of us, I have to be the smart one who helps us survive this situation.

She glares at me inside my head. I ignore that too. “Okay, so why are you?—”

On the nightstand, my cell phone buzzes. I glance over in time to see Tamira’s name flash across the screen.

Creepy stirs in my mind again. She’s still irritated at me, but she’s also suddenly worried about the call.

I’m just not sure why.

Keeping an eye on the guys, I reach over and pick up my phone. Phineas’s eyes narrow, and caution flashes across Zeb’s and Huck’s faces, but none of them move to stop me.

I lift the phone to my ear. “Yeah?”

“Oh my God, Mabel, are you okay?” Tamira sounds breathless.

“Um, yeah? I…” Fuck, she probably saw me run out of there and hasn’t heard from me since. Plus… yeah, I bet my car is sitting on the street where I left it.