Page 16 of Taking It Off

Deep breath in, hold; out slow. It takes a few minutes, and I have to check my stomach to make sure that I didn’t really get stabbed. Once my brain finally comprehends that it was a dream, my heart rate slows and I can finally think again. As worried as I am about my secret coming out, I’m more upset by the dream.

I dress quickly and head upstairs. I’ll be early for lunch, but it won’t matter. The guys have never turned me away before, and I don’t expect them to do so now.


When I hear the quiet knock at the door, somehow, I know it’s Emily. I’m not handling my father’s murder very well. I haven’t left my room all day. Will and Jer have been great about making sure I’m not alone, but it’s not their responsibility to take care of me.

I dash to the door, bumping Jer out of the way, and throwing it open to drag Em into my arms. She’s been crying, and I wonder if she’ll tell us why.

“Hey, you. How are you feeling today?” she asks with a small smile.

“Much better with you here. How about you?” I tip her head up so she has to look at me. I can tell she doesn’t want to answer, and I’m sure she knows I won’t push.

“I’m okay. Nightmares again. Nothing to worry about. I just need some company, and I wanted to check on you,” she responds.

I don’t want to admit that I love the way she clings to me. I hate that she has nightmares, and even more that she doesn’t want to tell us what they’re about. Her parents died when she was younger, and I’m sure that has something to do with it. More than anything, I want to chase the monsters that haunt her away.

I scoop her up and dash back to the couch, dropping onto the soft cushions with her on my lap. Jer grumbles as he shuts the door and follows us. I chuckle when he flops onto the chair across from us.

“Well, you took care of me yesterday when I needed you. So, today it’s my turn. What can I do to make you feel better?”

Something akin to guilt crosses Em’s features, and I would swear that my little butterfly was keeping secrets. But what could she possibly have to hide from us? Besides her cam girl persona, that is. Since we already know about that, I’m guessing this is something else. If it’s important, she’ll tell us.


Luke’s desire to care for me is touching. It definitely makes my guilt flare, though, and I can see in his eyes that he’s noticed something. All I can do is hope he doesn’t ask. “You really don’t have to do that. Let me take care of you. This week has been tough, and you deserve a break.”

He shakes his head and hugs me tighter. I look to Jeremy for assistance, but he’s frowning at his phone and not paying any attention to us. I wiggle a bit, acting like I’m trying to get away from Luke. I know I can’t, and I don’t want to anyway. I’m certain he knows it, but he plays along.

“Where’s Will?” I ask, realizing that he’s not here.

“His dad called and he had to go home for a while. Dave is freaked out about what happened to my dad. He thinks that Will being here will put a target on his back next. As if it’s all connected to me somehow,” Luke says quietly. I’ve hit a nerve without meaning to.

“I’m sure that’s not true, even if it’s what his dad thinks.” My reassurance does nothing to change Luke’s expression.

“We’ve all told him that; but he doesn’t want to believe us,” Jeremy chimes in. It seems as if he was paying attention to our conversation after all.

“Look, I know it’s paranoid. What if it’s true? What if I’m putting all of you in danger because some rogue vampire hunter is out there targeting us?” Luke’s forehead glistens with sweat and he starts to shake.

“What makes you think it’s a vampire hunter? The other guy who was killed wasn’t a vamp, was he? It seems to me like there’s more of a chance that it was some kind of business they were both involved in than a racial thing.” I almost slip up and tell him exactly why his father and the other guy were killed, but I stop myself.


Being summoned by my father is not my idea of a good time. I walk into his office, nodding at his secretary as I pass her desk. I try not to notice her short skirt or the amount of cleavage showing from her low-cut top. It’s no wonder Mom thinks he’s cheating.

“What’s this all about?” I snap when the door closes behind me. He jumps at my voice, and I notice that he’s taking care to keep his phone covered. That’s weird, but I have no idea why.

“Will, I’m glad you came,” my father answers, setting his phone face down on the desk.

“I didn’t have much choice. You made that pretty clear. What is going on? You call me and claim I’m being threatened because I live with Luke. That’s ridiculous.” I don’t want to have this argument again, but I will not let my father bully me into moving home. I like my apartment and my roommates.

“You need to come home, son. It’s not safe living with those boys. Your mother is worried about you. If I’m honest, I am too.”

I shake my head and close my eyes. “No.”

“What do you mean, ‘no.’ You will pack your things and come home today. Or I will cut off your access to the family money. Do I make myself clear?” A vein in Dave Jeffries’ neck pulses. I’m pissing him off, and I don’t care.

“Crystal. But I’m not doing it. I have my own bank account, and I make my own money. I don’t even spend yours anymore. So, no, Father, I will not move home because you demanded it. Is there anything else you needed to waste my time with? I have a friend who’s just suffered a tragic loss and needs me.” I hope that Luke is feeling better today. He was still locked in his room when I left, and I haven’t gotten to talk to him yet.