Luke and Will thrust into me together a few times, and I have to brace my hands on the headboard to keep from banging against it. Jeremy slides his dick against my face, and I suck him into my mouth. The three of them work together to guide me toward my next orgasm. The feeling of their hard dicks thrusting into me over and over gets me there quicker than I’d like to admit, but they don’t seem to mind.
I feel myself clamp down on Luke, determined to make him come with me. When he gets close, Luke leans down and kisses my neck. I know he’ll wait to bite me until Jeremy is out of my mouth, because he worries that I’ll need to use my safe word. I don’t think he’ll hurt me, though, so I’m not worried about it.
I don’t know how much longer I can hold out, though, so I swirl my tongue along Jeremy’s cock and suck harder. He thrusts into my mouth a couple more times, then I feel his release in the back of my throat. I swallow fast to keep up with it, licking him clean as he pulls away.
Just then, I come again, clamping down even harder on Luke and Will. They both come at the same time, and Luke’s fangs pierce my neck. He takes a couple of long pulls of my blood, then forces himself to let me go.
The moment Will and Luke pull themselves from me, Jeremy is there with a warm rag to clean me up. He hands another to each of the guys. I’m always amazed at how caring they are with each other. Once we’re all cleaned up, we snuggle in Luke’s bed for a while. I know that they want me to stay, and as much as I want to, I can’t. I have a job to do. The first part of that is to deal with Big_Dick_73. The second is to get ready for my cam call with Donovan.
I don’t normally do two kills in a night, but I’m making an exception tonight. I still have a couple of hours before my call, and I can take care of the other guy after. I let myself relax with my guys for a little while. As soon as the three of them fall asleep, I sneak out of Luke’s room, grabbing my jeans and shirt. I can find my panties and bra later. I dress quickly and head down to my apartment.
After a quick shower, I decide on my purple babydoll with my lavender wig for the meeting with Donovan. I know it’s not his favorite color, but it is one Luke likes. I have to remind myself that no matter what this man’s relationship with my lover is, he has to die. The contract has been accepted and cannot be turned down at this point. It’s his life or mine, and I’m not giving mine up for a scum bag like this guy.
I get everything set up with my security system and the cams to record our meeting. I carefully apply my makeup and put my mask on. With my wig in place, I settle on the bed and turn everything on. Donovan should be here in just a moment.
I don’t have time for my heart to start racing and my breath to catch in my chest. I have to do the job. I can’t worry about how this will affect anyone else, or if what I’m doing is right. This guy is a player in the trafficking ring I’ve been chasing, and I’ll confirm that before I kill him. Either way, I will find out exactly why someone wants him dead before I do the deed.
The moment Donovan’s face fills the screen, my eyes go wide. I force my expression to fit the mood of the call. I can’t let him know that I recognize him. I don’t have confirmation, but this man is definitely related to Luke. My sweet Luke, who just fucked me and drank my blood upstairs only an hour ago.
A few minutes of chit chat, and Donovan is asking to book regular weekly appointments. He explains his fetishes and asks for a demonstration that will prove I can accommodate his desires. Have you ever had to masturbate for a man you suspect is your lover’s father? No? Just me then. Great. As awkward as the situation is, I don’t think Donovan has realized that there’s a problem.
I check the time and realize that we’ve actually gone over time. I have to establish my link to his system before he realizes and disconnects. I keep the show going another minute or two while I do what I need to. Once I have the entry point, I smile at him.
“Our time is up. But we can definitely make another appointment. Please be sure you pay immediately, so that you can get scheduled.” I never let a regular schedule until they’ve paid for their last call, so it helps ground me in character to explain that to him. It doesn’t matter that he’ll be dead in a couple of hours.
“Absolutely, Jasmin. I’ll pay now.” He taps some buttons on his phone, and I receive an alert that the deposit went through.
“Thank you. It’s been a pleasure. We’ll talk soon.” I shut the cam off before he can object, holding onto my connection with his computer. If I don’t do this now, I won’t be able to. He looks too much like Luke.
I barely make it into the secret room before I’m fully shifted into my pixelated form. I spend two minutes verifying that Donovan is indeed connected to the trafficking ring I’ve been chasing, then take a deep breath and float into the computer. I grab the files I need, tucking them away so I can have the proof I need if this ever comes up with Luke. I can’t tell him that I’m the one who did this. Can I even do this? I’m not so certain anymore. But I have to. Otherwise, the guild will come after the guys, then kill me. I shake the thought away.
Donovan must die, and I will be the one to take him out. I’ve never let emotions complicate a job before. I’m not about to start now.
Sliding out of the back of Donovan’s computer is easy. His set up allows me plenty of space to maneuver. It appears that his computer is in a room by itself. That’s not a creepy perv move at all, buddy. I know from my research that Donovan is a vampire, and there are actually several nice pieces of furniture I can destroy to stake him with.
Does he deserve an easy death? Not even a little bit. But when I see pictures of what has to be a young Luke, I decide it’s the best way to do it. Normally, I would plant the damning evidence where his family would find it. Then I would kill the asshole in the most painful way possible. Not this time.
This time, I’m showing mercy. He’ll still die, just not in a way that will hurt his son any more than is absolutely necessary. I could search the house for him, then hunt him down, but I’m actually in a bit of a rush. I ping his cellphone and follow the response.
I find him in the shower, stroking himself and watching a recording of our call. Eww. I really have to make sure they can’t record things from now on. I float back into the bedroom and slam an antique wooden chair on the floor to break it. I pick up a piece of the leg that will make the perfect stake, then head back into the bathroom.
Of course, the commotion of me breaking the chair interrupted his shower. Donovan has shut the water off and is stepping out, wrapping a towel around himself. Well, at least he’ll be covered when he dies. I shift the stake in my hand and move closer.
“What the hell?” he asks as he walks into the bedroom and sees the broken chair. “Who the fuck did this? Do you have any idea how expensive that chair was?”
I stab the chair leg through his back and into his heart. It’s a cowardly move, but I can’t look him in the eyes and kill him. He looks too much like his son. The moment the stake pierces his heart, smoke starts to rise from his chest. I wonder if he’ll combust, or if that’s just a lie they tell to sell more books.
I watch as Donovan falls over, face down on the carpet. The smoke continues, but he doesn’t go up in flames. So that was another rumor created by the media. That’s good to know. I’ve finally killed my first vampire, but I don’t feel great about it. I’m happy to have taken a monster off the streets. I’m just worried what this will do to my sweet vampire.
I don’t know much about any of their families, except that they have money. The fact that it’s tainted with the blood of those who didn’t have a choice in their lives makes me sad for his family. Nothing I found implicates any of them in his shady business dealings.
I double check that Donovan is indeed dead, then head back to my apartment. I still have another guy to take care of, and if I wait, I might break down and fail. As soon as I materialize in my safe room, I take a deep breath and shift back into my pixelated form. I have to finish this job. I can’t let myself stop now.
I tap into Big_Dick_73’s computer system and shoot toward him. I’m pushing my emotions away the best I can, but I know a breakdown is coming. Guilt eats at me for killing Luke’s father. I try to justify it by reminding myself that he was a scumbag, but it’s not working.
I slide out of the computer and come face-to-face with the man I’m looking for. He looks familiar, but I can’t quite place him. After viewing the files on his computer again, it doesn’t matter to me who he is. He’s even higher up on the chain than Donovan was, so he has to die.
I grab him by the throat and shove him at the chair. He falls backward, sputtering. “What’s going on? Who’s there?” he stammers, his eyes searching the room for what he ran into. I glance sideways and see an envelope with a name on it.