She’s never really had someone take care of her or love her. The guys and I want to change that, but it’s a very slow process. I know that Jeremy and Luke both feel the same way I do. None of us have been brave enough to tell Emily, though. We don’t want to chase her off.
Holding her in my arms, I let myself relive what we just did as I drift off to sleep. I’m awakened a few minutes later by Em thrashing and crying out in her sleep. I’d hoped that having me with her would ease the nightmares, but it doesn’t look like I’m helping.
“It’s okay, sugarplum. I’ve got you,” I whisper. I press a kiss to her forehead. She whimpers and snuggles closer before calming down. I’m relieved, but don’t think I’ll get back to sleep now. I look around her room as the sun streams in through the partially closed blinds.
It’s pretty bare in here. She has a bed and dresser, but not much else. Her nightstand and a chair in the corner complete the furnishings. I wonder if the rest of the apartment is the same. I was too caught up in her letting me in earlier to pay attention. That and the sexy little shorts set she answered the door in was way more important to focus on.
I wonder if she’ll let me buy her some furniture or decorations; something to make this place more her own. Or if I can talk her into just moving in with us upstairs. That would make everyone happy. But there’s a chance she’ll run when I make the suggestion.
I know that the four of us need to have a talk. The guys and I want Emily to be ours, but she’s been so distant. I hope that her cam girl identity is the only thing holding her back. I feel like there’s more that she’s hiding, but I don’t want to push her away by digging too far.
After snuggling closer and pulling Emily against me, I drift back to sleep. She sighs against my chest, and I’m certain I’ve chased away her nightmares for at least today.
I hear Will’s whispered declaration as I’m drifting off to sleep. Panic wells in my chest, but I can’t dwell on the issues that will cause, because I have a decision to make, and I desperately need to rest. I won’t let myself react to his words, or the feelings they trigger.
I let sleep take me, briefly considering that my nightmares may come back. At least I’ve warned the guys about them. So, if I have one, Will should understand.
My first dream seems normal enough. The faceless guild members chase after me, attempting to kill me. Just a day in my life, right? I cry out as an arrow pierces my chest and hear Will’s voice. “It’s okay, sugarplum. I’ve got you.” And fuck if that doesn’t chase the nightmare away. My body relaxes and I sleep dreamlessly for a while. Then everything changes.
Suddenly I’m transported in time. Once again, I’m standing in the run-down warehouse my father took me to that day. My childhood wasn’t an easy one. My mother was killed when I was small, and my father used me as slave labor until I hit puberty. That’s where I am right now. Thirteen years old and standing in front of a man I’ve never met. Even though I remember what happened, it feels as if I’m reliving it. I’m that little girl again and can’t escape.
“You belong to me now, girl. Put this on,” he growls, tossing a thin scrap of fabric at me.
“Where did my dad go?” I ask. I’m not prepared for the hand to shoot out. The sting of his palm against my cheek brings tears to my eyes.
“Your dad sold you to me. Now put this on before I decide to really punish you,” the man growls again. I pick up the cloth and stare at it. There is no way I’m doing what he demands. I’ve read about these transactions. I know he’ll kill me if I don’t cooperate, but I don’t care. Death will be better than what this man has planned for me.
“No. If you want me to do as you ask, you’ll let me talk to my dad first.” I’m not in a place to make demands, and I know it. But I’m also not going to put on the thin strips of cloth this stranger just handed me. I won’t do it; no matter what it costs me.
It doesn’t take long to learn what he’ll do for my refusal. First, he slaps me again. When I shake my head, he punches me. The moment his fist connects with my face, I know that he’s lost control. I’m too small to stop him; I can’t defend myself against this giant and his blows.
The man’s fists pound into me, hitting my face, my chest, my legs. Blocking his hits doesn’t help. He punches and kicks me until I’m curled into a ball on the floor. I’m broken. He might kill me after all. Pain lances through me, and I don’t know if I can survive this. I have a plan, but might have pushed too far already. I close my eyes tightly and wait for him to stop beating me.
When more pain doesn’t come, I look around the room and find that I’m alone. My only chance at survival right now is if I can shift. I didn’t tell my dad when my powers revealed themselves, because I knew that he’d find a way to exploit me with them. Here I am, in a strange place, with powers that no one knows about. I might be able to survive this after all.
I flex my fingers, wincing at the agony that accompanies the movement. My shift is difficult and takes longer than I want. After a few long, painful minutes, I’m pixelated and can move again. I’m still injured, but in this form I’m more able to push it away. Something about turning into pixels makes my human body feel better; stronger, even. The door stands open; my captor obviously convinced that he’s incapacitated or killed me. I follow the hallway to another room where I hear voices.
“You sold her to me! You told me she was trained! But she wouldn’t get dressed like I told her to. So, I had to beat the shit out of her because she won’t do what she’s told. You lied, and I want my money back!” the man who beat me yells at my father.
The man who should have protected me stares at the much larger man standing in front of him. It’s strange to me, but there’s no fear. He doesn’t hesitate, stabbing the knife I hadn’t seen into my attacker’s chest. “You son of a bitch. Now I have to waste money getting her healed so I can sell her again. I suppose you won’t mind if I keep what you paid me, though, since you won’t be needing it.”
I should be shocked at the fact that my father just killed a man. Instead, I’m focused on the words he said as he did it. I freeze at my father’s words. He’s going to sell me again. No. I can’t let that happen; I won’t. I have to stop him from doing this to me or anyone else. I dart forward in my shifted form, determined to figure out a way to stop him.
He turns toward the door as I move and I slide right through him. My hands tighten into fists in front of me at the sensation, and the moment he’s behind me, I feel something warm and wet in my hands. Looking down, I see his still beating heart resting on my pixelated palm. I just killed my father. A myriad of emotions overwhelm me, and I stare at the heart in my hand as it slowly stops beating.
“What the fuck?” he gasps, falling to the floor. A crimson puddle forms under him, and my father doesn’t move. I look at the heart in my hand again before crushing it between my fingers. He’ll never hurt anyone again.
Once I figure out how to get home, I take time to heal. Then I go through his belongings and discover that he’d been running a trafficking ring for years. He was responsible for kidnapping and selling young girls into the sex trade since before I was born. Not only was my mother one of his victims, but Mama’s mysterious death was at his hand. I’m glad I was the one to finish him off.
Soon after, I discover that I can travel in my pixelated form along internet lines, which makes it easier to take out everyone who worked with my father. And since I have his list of suppliers and buyers, I work my way through it, learning how to kill as I go.
With this ring of evil destroyed, I discover that I have a talent for taking out sickos. Thus Umbr4g3_R0gu3 was born. I spend time learning how to control my powers, using my father’s blood money to fund my endeavors. I should feel guilty, but I don’t. I’m proud of myself for protecting those women and children.