Page 4 of Taking It Off

And who’s idea was it to have people eat the invitation to accept? That’s weird too. I need sleep, then I’ll be able to give this decision the attention it deserves. I slip the paper back into the envelope and put it in the drawer beside my bed. No one ever comes here, but I want to protect it anyway. Especially if someone broke into my home to deliver this. There’s no way to know if they’ll come back.

I can’t keep my eyes open any longer, sinking back into the soft mattress and dragging the covers over me. With images of money and danger dancing in my head, I drift off to sleep.

I wake early, the weight of my decision looming over my head. I was so proud of myself for what I did last night, but now I’m feeling melancholic. I’m still proud, but now I can’t chase the worry from my mind. I don’t feel guilty for killing Davis, but I am a little sad about taking a life. I guess that means I’m not a complete monster. There is no way to make this decision while I’m in this state. I can’t clear my mind enough, and I don’t want to make this big of a decision on impulse. I need something to distract me.

I know that Luke won’t be up yet, because my vampire boy always sleeps in. A quick check of the time tells me it’s even too early for my favorite wolf shifter, Jeremy. Which leaves Will, my insomniac. There’s a chance he’s up already, but I don’t want to bother him if he’s not. Sometimes I feel like I relate more to him because we’re both rare shifters. He doesn’t know that, but maybe someday I’ll be able to share.

Using my powers, I tap into my phone and check social media. The moment my status changes to online, Will hops into my DMs. Good, he’s up.

Hey, sugarplum. Why aren’t you sleeping? I can’t wipe the sappy grin off my face at the cutesy nickname he uses for me when we’re alone. He never says it in front of the other two, and I make a mental note to ask him why. I won’t admit, even to myself, the feelings that these men stir inside of me.

Hey, handsome. I could ask you the same question. The sun is barely up. It’s probably not a good idea to flirt too heavily with him this early in the morning. I might end up inviting him over to distract me so I can work out what to do about this invitation.

Eh, you know me. I sleep a few hours at a time. I’m sure I’ll catch a nap later. You’re welcome to join me. Yes, please. I’d been hoping to stay with them tonight, but I have a limited time to make this decision, and if I’m leaning toward yes, I have to be here to ‘consume the invitation’ as it commands.

Am I leaning toward yes? Maybe. After dreaming about being chased by faceless monsters for making the wrong decision, I’m still not sure. Perhaps some time alone with Will is just what I need. Since they already figured out my cam girl persona, there’s no real reason to keep them out of my apartment anymore. It’s not like he’ll find my secret room unless I show him. I could just invite him over.

What if you come join me right now? We could snuggle. I know that he loves snuggling as much as I do. I change into a skimpy pajama set while we chat, because I’m certain he won’t pass up the chance to finally get in my apartment.

You want me to come to your apartment? I didn’t think anyone was allowed in there. Don’t you have your enemies held captive or something? I laugh out loud at his joke. If he only knew how close he was to being right. Of course, I would never bring the men I target into my home. I’m much more comfortable taking them out in their own spaces.

Is that a no, then? I tease him, knowing that he won’t turn me down, no matter how surprising my offer is. I’m tempted to send him a sexy pic of me, but I don’t think I’ll have to.

I’m on my way. I smile at the response.

Less than five minutes later, there’s a quiet knock at my door. My apartment isn’t messy, but I probably should have cleaned it a bit better. Too late now. Besides, I don’t really have many material things. I check the peep hole before opening the door slowly. “Good morning. Can I help you, sir?”

Will scoops me up in his arms and forces his way into my home, closing the door quietly behind him. “I’m here to help you, ma’am. I heard you were low on cuddles and could use a refill.”

I laugh and point toward my bedroom. “I can’t believe you actually invited me over. This is a huge step for us, sugarplum.”

“About that,” I say, squinting at him.

“What?” he asks as he tucks us both into my bed and pulls me close.

“Why do you only call me sugarplum when we’re alone or in texts?” It shouldn’t matter, but I’m dying to know.

“I didn’t know if it would make you uncomfortable for me to do it around the guys. I guess I was just keeping it our special thing,” he says, running his fingers through my hair. This man melts me.

I climb on top of him and kiss him deeply. I don’t want to admit to any of them how attached I’m getting. It’s not possible to have a real, serious relationship with three guys, is it? Especially if I’m a hired killer who can’t tell them about my abilities.

“I don’t know why you guys want me. I’m kind of a mess,” I admit, not holding back my thoughts for once. I just don’t go into details. I see the moment Will realizes that I’m not guarding myself the way I usually do. I want to pull back and hide from him, but it’s too late.

He tucks a blonde strand behind my ear. “Sugarplum, you are not a mess. And we want you because you’re awesome. I wish you could see that.” Will kisses me again, all passion and desire. Somehow, I know he’s not trying to get me naked though, even if that’s what I want. This is bigger than just sex, and I’m terrified.

I was worried about choosing or rejecting the guild because of how it would affect my life. But how will that decision change things with the guys? I don’t want to make the wrong choice and ruin what could be the perfect relationship.

At the same time, can I really turn down this opportunity? Fuck, I wish I had someone to talk to about this. I want to spill it all to Will, but I know I can’t. Knowing everything would put him in danger, and I cannot do that. I don’t need comfort that badly.

I’ve spent so long alone that I can’t seem to let anyone in. Given my choice of profession, it makes sense. But it’s not like I really chose this. Death and vengeance found me, not the other way around. And I have enough money now that I really could walk away from it all. I’d live comfortably for the rest of my life. I could settle down and have kids; raise a family; get a normal job. But is that the life for me? I wish I knew.

Will pulls me down beside him, tucking me under his arm, and resting my head on his chest. I feel safe here. I don’t want to lose this. “You don’t have to tell me what’s bothering you. Just know that whatever it is, I’m not going anywhere. Neither are Jeremy or Luke. We’re here for you; always.”

He reaches down and wipes a tear from my cheek. I’m crying. I never cry. What is this man doing to me? The thought of losing him or the other two breaks my heart. Can I trust his words? I want to, more than anything.

“Take my mind off it. I can’t talk about it right now. Are you sure that’s okay?” The words flow out of me. I immediately want to take them back. This is the most vulnerable I’ve been around any of them, and I don’t like it. Why do I need his approval so badly?