“I think first thing tomorrow would be better. It’ll give me a chance to work out exactly how to do it, since you want it to look like he killed himself.”
Jeremy’s eyes meet mine. “That part isn’t too important. I doubt the life insurance will pay anyway, given what he’s done and how they seized his accounts.”
“Okay. I still have to protect my secret. I can’t just pop in and murder a man inside the police station without planning. I have to be careful so they don’t catch me.” I consider my words carefully, because I don’t want to upset him any more than he already is, but I need him to understand the amount of planning that goes into these missions. “I usually have at least two days to plan a hit; ideally a week. I’m not asking for that. I just need tonight to figure it all out. Can you handle that?”
I’m not sure what I’ll do if he says no. I hold my breath while he considers what I’ve said. Just when I think he’s going to argue, he nods. “I understand. Your safety is more important than getting this done tonight. Just let me know when you’re ready to go tomorrow, and we’ll do it.”
I release my breath, relieved that he agreed so easily. Now I just have to break into a police station filled with cops and kill a man who’s locked up. Easy peasy, right? Fuck me. How do I get myself into these situations?
As soon as the guys head upstairs, I find another black card next to my alarm clock. Great, what now?
I can’t help laughing at how comical this situation is as I prick my finger with the corner of the card. At least I know that Jeremy is okay with this. I can’t imagine accepting this job otherwise. After this, I’m definitely taking a break.
Back at our apartment, I start to second guess my decision. This week has been difficult for all of us. We learned that my father organized and ran a sex trafficking ring for decades, both Will’s and Luke’s dads were involved, and Emily killed them for it. Now I’ve asked the woman I’m in love with to kill my father, too.
Have I lost my mind? This is insane, right? “I’m just saying, normal people don’t ask their girlfriend to kill their father. That doesn’t mean I don’t want her to do it.” Justifying my feelings is strange. But I’m so conflicted about all of this.
“You have to decide if this is what you want before she does it. It’s not like she has the power to un-kill him. I don’t think necromancy is real,” Will argues.
“I mean, vampirism is real, and that’s kind of the same thing,” Luke jokes. I glare at them both.
“I know. My decision stands. He deserves to die for what he’s done,” I declare, pausing for a moment. “I just can’t help thinking about when we were young. He seemed so different then. That’s the man I’ll mourn. Not the monster who’s taken his place.”
The decision is easier to stand by when I see how this is affecting our mothers. The three of them are holed up at Will’s family home, since his dad’s death was ruled natural causes. Even if we know the truth, there’s no reason for the rest of the world to find out. The paparazzi are already camped out on the lawn, hoping to get pictures or video. It’s distasteful and wrong. And I have the power to make it stop; or at least, to have Em take care of it.
“Our moms are safe for now, but we can’t let them be victimized again,” I say. And that’s what it boils down to. I will do what it takes to protect what’s left of our families.
There isn’t much for me to do after the guys leave. I need to figure out the best way to dispose of Franklin. Thanks to the new contract, I know the jail’s schedule. The only way to get access to him is through his son, though. I don’t like involving Jeremy or any of the others, but he asked me to do this. The contract is an added bonus. I’m already planning to take the twelve mil from all three jobs and split it between their families.
With seized assets, there’s a real chance that any of the families could lose everything. I won’t let that happen. What am I, an assassin with a soft spot? I laugh at the idea. If I’m honest with myself, I know that soft spot is what got me into this business in the first place. It’s never caused me a problem before.
Until I fell for these men. I nearly gave up a contract, and my life, to keep from hurting one of them. Relief washes over me, taking the feelings of guilt I’ve been carrying with it. I know they’re not as okay with everything as they want me to believe, but I’m glad that they don’t hate me for what I’ve done.
Locking myself in my secret room, I review blueprints and schematics for the jail. I go over the guards’ schedules, even though they’ll have very little effect on my plan.
Then I stare at the screen while I consider my options. Jer suggested making it look like suicide. I’m not sure Franklin is the suicide type. I dig into his past more and discover a connection to my own father. I’ve never been able to find the leader of the ring Daddy dearest worked for. Until now.
I’m even more invested in seeing this through. I need to take this man out. I’ve never tried to control someone from inside before, but I’m considering it now. If I can make him tear out his own throat with his claws, or hang himself with a bedsheet, on camera, there will be no investigation into his death. No one will bat an eye.
That idea sends me down a rabbit hole, researching wolf shifters and how their abilities work. There are tons of articles explaining the biology and magic of it. I wonder if I can pull this off.
Jer sleeps a little overnight. His decision weighs on him. I haven’t said much to Em about all of this, because I’m not exactly sure what to say. I never would have imagined my dad being involved in any of this. If I hadn’t seen the proof with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe it now.
I can’t say how this new knowledge will change things, simply because I don’t know yet. What I do know is that being a vampire is not easy. Dad taught me that forgiveness is key. Other supernaturals and even humans don’t live nearly as long as we do. I can choose to hold a grudge and stay angry, or I can forgive and enjoy my time with Em.
There will be plenty of time later to be angry. For now, I will support and care for my friends. After checking on Jer again, I head to Will’s room. He’s always been an insomniac, and it’s gotten worse since his father’s death. I know he’d never admit it, but he’s not as okay with all this as he pretends to be. I’m not saying he’s mad at Em or going to do anything to hurt her. He’s just conflicted, even if he doesn’t see it.
I poke my head inside his room and find him fast asleep. It’s the first time in months that he looks peaceful. Maybe he’s not as conflicted as I thought.