Will steps up beside us, wrapping his arms around me as well. “That’s the only reason we gave you so much time alone. We needed to make sure they wouldn’t be coming around again for anything. With us cleared, there’s no reason for the police to investigate anyone connected to us further.”
“You guys let me think that you never wanted to see me again because you were protecting me?” I’m shocked by Will’s confession.
“Those were the hardest two days we’ve ever spent. There were so many moments when we wanted to call or text, or even race down here and hold you. But we had to be sure that there was nothing to connect you to the investigations,” Luke explains.
I’m floored by the way these three have gone above and beyond any expectations I had. They made sure I wouldn’t even be questioned by the police. Since we’re involved, I’d expected to get a call and be dragged down to the precinct to answer questions at least, even if they didn’t suspect me.
“I’m beginning to think you guys are as messed up as I am,” I laugh.
“Maybe we are. Or maybe we’re just in love with you and don’t want to lose you. Either way, you’re safe now.” This is the first time Jeremy has said anything about his feelings for me. I’m not sure how to react, even though Will has told me before that the three of them are in love with me.
“How can you be sure?” I ask.
“That we love you? That’s an impossible question. But I get it; it wasn’t fair for me to say it that way,” Jeremy says, hugging me tighter. He eases me back to look into my eyes. “I love you, Em.”
“I love you, Jer.” I get a little dizzy when he spins me toward Luke. “I love you, too, Luke.”
“And I’ve loved you for a long time, Em. I’m glad you’re willing to work through this with us.” He presses a kiss to my lips, gentle and chaste.
I look at Will, but he shrugs. “They already know I told you. But I’ll say it again. I love you, sugarplum.” My heart jumps at the pet name being used in front of the other guys.
I understand this won’t be easy, but I’m thrilled that they still want me. “How are we going to deal with everything, though?” I should leave it alone, but I can’t.
Jeremy lets me go and paces for a minute. “I don’t have to go to my father’s trial. I’d rather not have people thinking I agree with the things he’s done anyway.”
“The trial is likely to be pretty embarrassing for your family,” I say, realizing that the idea forming in my head is not a good one.
“There’s nothing we can do about that,” he replies, fisting his hands in his hair.
“There’s nothing you can do about it. But there may just be something I can do,” I offer, leaving the thought unfinished.
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Will sounds way too excited.
“Of course, she is,” Luke answers before I have a chance. Jeremy looks at him, dumbfounded. “Em is trying to tell you that she can take him out. Then no one has to know all the sick details of the things our dads did.”
It seems like both Luke and Will are all for my idea, but Jeremy covers his face with his hands. I shouldn’t have offered. This is sick and twisted. I can’t just kill someone to save his son from embarrassment. The idea is ridiculous. I open my mouth to apologize to Jeremy for even having the thought, but he holds up a hand and stops me.
“I want you to do it.”
“What?” I ask, my jaw dropping. Even for the split second where I thought it was a good idea, I never thought he’d agree.
“You offered to kill my dad to keep his case from going to court. I want you to do it. Not for me. To protect my mom, Luke’s mom, and Will’s mom. There’s no reason for any of them to go through that embarrassment. Make it look like he killed himself. Make him pick a fight with a guard so they kill him. I don’t care. I just want this to end before anyone else gets hurt.” When he’s done talking, Jeremy walks over to the window and stares out into the darkness. How long have we been discussing this? Did I lay on the floor all day today?
I shake my head, already knowing the answer to both questions. “If you’re sure that’s what you want, I’ll do it. But after, I’m going to take a break from work, and we’re all going to spend some time together.”
“Agreed,” Jeremy says easily. Will walks over and wraps an arm around him. “We should go home so Em can take care of this.”
“Before you go, I might need some help. I can’t just appear there without a connection. You’re going to have to go talk to your dad, so I can get in.” I wince at his reaction.
“What? I don’t want to talk to him.”
“It’s the only way she can get to him, Jer. Remember, she said that she used my phone to connect to my dad,” Will explains quietly. I’m glad he listened, but at the same time, I hate that I had to do that at all.
“Shit. Okay. Can we do it today, or will it have to be tomorrow?” Jeremy seems anxious to get this over with. “And will you guys go with me?”
“Of course, we will, whenever we need to,” Luke insists. I’m glad that he won’t have to face his father alone. Guilt ebbs at having to put him through this. At least the other two had no idea that I was targeting their fathers.
I remind myself that Jeremy made this decision on his own. It’s what he wants to happen. I’m not forcing this on him. That eases some of my guilt at how much I know I’ll enjoy killing this bastard. I have to figure out how to make it look like suicide, though.