After securing my dark purple masquerade mask, I tug my neon green bobbed wig into place. I’m not rushing, even though I took longer than I should to get ready. This has to go just right. I only have one shot to get what I need. I know what Davis likes, but I need to know what he’s planning. The only way to do that is to get into his computer.
And to get into his system, I need a link. A smirk crosses my face as I switch on the cam while I settle on the bed. I know I won’t have long to wait, and I need to get into character before he logs on. Jasmin isn’t shy. She enjoys showing her body to men in exchange for money. I have to admit, part of me does too. It’s what allows me to use this as my cover; to become Jasmin when I need to. Well, that, and I may be a bit of a voyeur. I like being watched.
I glance around the simple room, making sure everything is in place. The hidden cams I have set up throughout the apartment are virtually invisible. The walls are a soft white, to give the impression that I’m more innocent than I am.
A rack full of wigs in almost every color imaginable covers one wall, next to the closet that holds my costumes; each one color coordinated with the wigs. I call them costumes, because I don’t think a woman should have to dress like this to get attention unless she’s performing. Which is exactly what I do. I put on my mask and transform from Emily to Jasmin.
Everything in this room is designed to help me pull off the con. And the con is designed to make it easier to kill. It really shouldn’t be so easy for me to take a life. I do have moral standards, though. I won’t kill an innocent, and I always check out my marks beforehand so I know what I’m dealing with. Most get two or three cam calls so I can gather enough information to make the decision.
So far, none of them have been innocent. My favorite kills are the ones related to the sex trafficking ring that the cops can’t seem to pin down. It’s funny how working outside the law gives me an advantage to enforcing it. Sometimes I wonder if that makes me worse than the men I take out.
While appearing to be relaxed and waiting for Davis to join our video chat, I double and triple check my connections. Then I tap into my phone and make sure it’s on silent. Sometimes I amaze myself at my ability to multi-task this way. It’s all part of my digital shifter ability. I’m always connected to my system and can control it with nothing more than a thought.
It’s always felt strange, being human and somehow digital at the same time. I’m not sure what kind of magic my mother held, but I know my abilities came from her.
Since my pixelated form can’t be caught on camera, I get away with everything. It doesn’t matter if I’m accessing a bank account to drain it, hacking a computer for blackmail purposes, or even committing murder for money. No one has ever figured out that I am Umbr4g3_R0gu3 because of my unique shifter power. Digital shifters are rare, and we tend to hide our abilities. I’m not saying most people who can do what I can are criminals, but I’m not not saying it either.
I’m distracted from my thoughts by the soft chime letting me know that Davis is entering the video chat. With an inward sigh, I put on my sweet smile and prepare to multi-task.
“Good evening, sweet Jasmin. I’ve been looking forward to this all day,” he says the moment he can see me.
“I’ve missed you,” I coo, knowing that he’s about to give me the chance I need to find a way into his computer. “How was your day?”
I pretend to listen as he drones on about his day and how difficult it is to run a world-wide conglomerate, all while jerking off while he stares at me. He’s done this once before, and I resist the urge to roll my eyes a few times. His story is boring and self-centered, but somehow telling me gets him off. Maybe it’s because I’m watching him masturbate, I don’t know.
Just as he finishes, both his story and shooting his load, my pixelated tendrils find the spot I’ve been searching for. I have my way in. A quick time check tells me we only have about two minutes left of our allotted time. Hmm, it took him longer today than usual. I’m relieved that he seems satisfied with just unloading on me today, and not as interested in crafting a story for me to act out.
Some of his ‘interests’ are beyond Emily’s comfort zone. That’s part of the reason I become Jasmin for this part of my work. He’s an attractive older man, but after learning about his hidden agenda, I find him much less appealing. Especially when he wants to watch me fuck random household items.
“I’m sorry, Davis, but our time is up for today. You’ll have to book another chat next week,” I say, cutting our time short by a minute. It’s easy to make the offer for another video call when I know he’ll be dead in less than twelve hours. The smile on my face is genuine for once, and I hope he doesn’t notice.
“Oh, well. Damn. I thought we had longer,” he argues. “Can’t we just extend the appointment? I’ll pay triple.”
I force myself to appear as if I’m considering his offer, then I shake my head. “Unfortunately, I have other clients to see today, and I can’t reschedule.” He nods his understanding and thanks me for my time. I disconnect the call and verify the transfer of funds went through. It’s messier if I have to take his money before I kill him. Much easier for everyone if he pays like he’s supposed to. The payments are routed through the dark web and will be impossible to trace.
When I’m sure the money has transferred, I move it to my hidden account, then shut my system down manually. Even though I can’t be traced, I won’t use my cam set up for my other job. I have a separate system for that. I walk around the room, switching off the ring lights, before heading to the wall where a hidden panel opens. Walking through, I reach out to the computer inside the small room and turn it on, then secure the door.
If anyone were to come into my apartment right now, they’d think I wasn’t home. And that’s exactly what I want them to think. I don’t expect the guys to come over, but I have to be careful anyway. I’ve never invited them into my apartment, because I don’t want them to discover any of my secrets—digital shifter, cam girl, assassin.
A quick check of the time tells me that I need to get moving or I’ll be late. I do have dinner plans, after all. Then I have to come back and take care of Davis. But first, I must collect the evidence my benefactor wants on the sex trafficking ring that Davis is involved in. If I’m being honest, I’d probably offer my services for free just to be the one to off this guy. I do like the money, though.
Reaching out with my digital tendrils, I search Davis’ computer. Oh, this man is a sicko. And not a smart one, either. He has pictures, names, dates—what kind of idiot saves this shit to his personal computer? I get needing insurance, but come on. At least put it on a private server or a USB drive or something. I wonder how he’s kept this from his wife. Or does she know and keep his secret for him? I shudder at the thought.
Copying the files takes longer than I expected, and now I’m running late. The guys will come looking for me if I don’t get over there soon. It’s a good thing their apartment is just a couple of floors up from mine. I secure the files on a flash drive and encrypt it before dropping it into a padded envelope. Could I deliver these files electronically? Absolutely. Would it be easier than this cloak and dagger shit? Definitely. But there would be more of a chance that I’d out myself to the people who hire me. So, I’ll stick with the plan.
I don’t have time to run out and deliver the package right now, so it’ll have to wait. They don’t need it until after I finish Davis off anyway. I check my hidden cameras to make sure I’m still alone before I exit the secret room and change for dinner.
There’s no time for a shower, so I toss the wig onto the bed with my mask, and I wipe away as much of the heavy makeup as I can without making myself look homeless. I’ve lived in this building for years, and known my guys almost that long. I think about how our relationship started, and it makes me laugh. Each of them asked me out, and I said yes…then found out that they’re roommates. Things could have gotten awkward, but they’re more like brothers, so they decided to share.
I shake away those thoughts and rush to change clothes. The leggings and sweatshirt are way more comfortable than the lacy bra and thong I have on underneath. I grab my keys and phone, then race up the stairs. I’m standing in front of their door when Jeremy opens it, presumably to come find me. He jumps when he almost runs into me.
“You’re late. Luke was about to start eating without you. Will was going to call the cops. Of course, I knew you’d be here when you got here, so I wasn’t worried,” he teases. I laugh and push him out of the way so I can enter the much larger apartment.